Chapter 27

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*Mackenzie's POV*
I have to tell him. I have to tell Neymar that I'm in love with him. It's a big step in our relationship, but I'm ready to confess and go for it. I just hope he feels the same.

What could happen? Worse case scenario he doesn't love me... We'll still stay together even if he doesn't feel the same... Right?



"Are you going to get out of the car?" Neymar asked.

I look around and realize we are at a old and small building, and Davi is already outside, playing with a soccerball and kicking it around.

"Oh!" I laughed, "Yeah! Sorry," I say quickly, jumping out of the car.

I go and look to Davi, and he's trying his very hardest to slam a soccerball against a old and rotten wall. It wasn't that powerful, but for his age it was a pretty good kick. I smile down at the little boy. Gosh he's so adorable. I kneel down to his height next to him, and he turns to me.

"May I play with you?" I ask him.

He gives me a cheeky grin, resembling his father's smile. Seeing how similar they looked made my heart melt, thinking how incredible that is. He made this little boy, and one day he will grow up and be just like him.

"Yep," is all he says, handing me the ball.

Just when I was about to set the ball down to get up and kick it, Davi tugs on my hand. I look at Neymar, but he's not even paying attention and is staring off into the distance.

Ok then..

I toss the soccerball to the side, and get on my knees. Now I'm looking up at Davi, as his expression becomes serious.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

He just stares down at at me with his big brown eyes. Then, the most unexpected thing happens. The little boy throws his tiny arms across my shoulders, hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

I sat there shocked, but then I hugged him back. I almost cried, this little boy is so sweet.

"Please stay with us for forever, Kenzie," Davi whispered as we pulled apart, making my heart drop. Did something happen? I'm not the greatest with words, so I don't know what to say..

"Davi, I can't promise that. However, always know that I love you little man," I smiled.

He nodded his head sadly, which made me frown. Why is he acting like this? Is he going somewhere? Does he think I'm leaving them? That's the opposite of what I want to do. Although, I can't exactly explain to a 4 year old that I'm in love with his father.

I lean towards Davi's ear and whispered, "I have also loved your father from the moment I laid eyes on him."

I knew he wouldn't understand what I said, but I had to tell someone. Even if it's not Neymar, the person I should be telling. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around only to lock eyes with Neymar, making me jump.

"Can we talk?" he said quietly, looking very uncomfortable.

What has happened that I'm not aware of?

"Uh, yeah, sure...."

I stand up after giving Davi another hug. I walk over with Neymar around the corner to talk, still keeping an eye on Davi, cause something tells me he shouldn't be listening to this conversation.

"So, what's up?" I ask him.

He sighs heavily, and then looks up at me with a look in his eye.... Was it guilt?

"I think we should talk about us," He says slowly, sending chills down my spine.

Now I know this conversation won't end well.

"What do you mean? Is there something wrong?" I asked urgently, starting to panic.

"Mackenzie," he sighed, "there's not really an easy way to put this but..."

Will he spit it out already?!

"I don't think we should be together anymore," he said quietly.


He can't be serious. This man, the one I was just about to confess my love to, is saying we shouldn't be together. He's joking, right?

"I feel like our feelings for each other have kinda died down," he said, still speaking in that painfully quiet voice.

"Died down? Died down?! You think things between us have died down?! If anything I thought what we had was improving, becoming more comfortable with each other!" I yelled, my vision starting to blur.

No. I will not cry in front of him.

I'm probably overreacting right now by yelling, but I don't care. He's never came to me to talk about this. Then, out of nowhere, he decides he wants to break up with me? Why?! What did I do?

"I lo- uh, like you a lot, Mackenzie, but I feel like It's not like how it used you be; you know, when we first met," he said, looking down.

"You know what, Neymar? No. That's not it. Nothing has changed between us. It's just you! You're in denial or hiding something I swear. I don't know what's wrong with you, but you've been acting strange lately, and you won't give me a reason for it. All I know is that it's bothering you so much, that its breaking us up," I said, my voice cracking at the end.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his bottom lip trembling.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that your issues, whatever they are, make you think that I'm a problem," I reply, walking away, not giving him a chance to respond cause I know it'll break me even more.

I walk over to Davi, and call out to him. He turns around and my heart breaks. Davi looks at me with the saddest face, tear stains covering his little pale cheeks.

Once again, I kneel down in front of the little boy to hug him, and it'll probably be the last time I ever do so.

"I love you, Kenzie," he cried, giving me a little kiss on the cheek. I smile at him, despite the tears going down me face.

"I love you too, Bud."

I kiss him on the top of his head and stand up.

"Don't forget me," were the last words I whispered to him, and I walked off, the sound of my own sobs filling my ears.

The only positive thing in this moment right now, is that my house is only a few miles away. Because I WILL NOT ask him to drive me home. On the other hand, the negatives in this situation? There's too many too count. I went there thinking I'd tell Neymar I love him. Yet here I am, walking away from the best thing that has happened to me in a long time, because he broke my heart. Maybe there was a reason, but right now, the only thing I think is that his ego got in the way of dealing with that reason, whatever it was.

This moment proved to me just how fast the night changes. The situation drastically changed in quite a hurry, and I never saw it coming. Because there is no way I can say I expected that. I'll just have this horrible memory to prepare for the next time.

Heyyyyyyy! Don't kill me, I know I'm a horrible person. I haven't posted in FOREVER, I wrote a crappy ending AND I made the best part of the book split up! But, trust me, it will get better!!

So like, vote, and comment what you think! Thanks!


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