Chapter 9

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His lips are soft, and his scars are, too, but in a rigid kind of way. His calloused hands cradle my face, his thumb swiping back and forth across my cheek bone. He pulls away and lets go of my face, looking at the floor. "Sorry..." he mutters awkwardly. "F-for what?" i ask, still shocked from the kiss. "For what just happened." He says, looking up at me. I blush, "Don't be sorry." I whisper. "And, uh, why shouldn't I be?" He asks. "Because...because I...I enjoyed it." I mumble, looking down at my feet. He chuckles and grabs my wrist, pulling me towards the couch. "What are we doing?" I ask, more to myself than to him. "I don't know, you tell me, doll." he says as he sits, pulling me down with him. "Well...I'm not sure-" I start to say, but I'm cut off by my phone ringing. I pull my phone and look at the caller ID. "Who's that?" he asks, looking at my phone screen. "Its my boss.." I whisper. "You, uh, gonna answer that, doll?" he questions, seeing my expression. "Uh..yea.." I say, as I answer the phone. "H-hello?" I say, knowing I'm in trouble. "EMILY! WHERE ARE YOU!?" He shouts in my ear. "Um..I Umm.." I mumble, trying to explain my current position. "I don't want to hear excuses, Dawson. You better be dying or -" i don't hear the rest of the sentence, because the Joker has taken my phone and is now holding it to his ear. "Or what, Mr. Boss Man? Are you gonna, uh, fire her?" he asks, laughing. I don't know what my boss says next, but apparently it's hilarious, because Joker practically dies laughing. "G-gordon!? You think Gordon can stop me? Haha! That's funny! It's not like I'm doing anything wrong, is it doll?" he shouts into the phone, while turning to look at me. "N-no Mr. J-joker. You're not doing anything wrong." I say, trying to sound scared. "Awww whatsa matter, doll? You scared?" he asks, smirking. "Y-yes. Pl-please don't hurt me." I say, trying not to laugh. "I'm not gonna hurt you, silly. Well not right now, at least." he says, smiling darkly. I stop smiling and look at him with a slightly frightened expression. He looks into my eyes and shakes his head no. Then his attention is turned back to the phone. "What's that? Oh, you don't want me to hurt her? Well, uh, then you might want to leave us alone for a while." He says, chuckling. "She'll be back soon enough." he says, then hangs up the phone. "You're not gonna hurt me?" I ask. He shakes his head and looks at me again. "No, no, no, uh, you kind of...piqued my interest." he say, getting up and walking to what I assume is the kitchen. I get up and follow. "Well...if you're not gonna hurt me, what are you planning to do with me?" I ask, not completely understanding what he wants. "Well, doll, I'm not much of a planner, but you do seem like you could help with some things." he says, opening the fridge and grabbing a coke. "How could I help?" I ask, confused. "Well, uh, you could use your uh powers. We could rob banks, crash parties, like Bruce Wayne's or the commissioner's, there's lots of things we could do, doll." He says, handing me a drink and walking back to the living room. I follow, thinking about what life would be like with the Joker. I like the thought of helping someone by using my powers, even if what I'm doing is bad. He turns around once we're in the living room and I smile. "Okay, I'm in." I say, looking into his eyes to see his reaction. He smiles and says, "I knew you would be."

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