Chapter 18

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"Where's the comissioner!?" he asks laughing insanely. "What do you want, Joker?" says Gordon from behind us. "Ah, comissioner. How nice it is to see you. I just wanted to introduce you to someone." he says, grabbing my arm. He pulls me toward him and Gordon. He giggles and says, "Comissioner, this is Midnight. Midnight, this is Comissioner Gordon." Gordon looks me up and down, "Emily?" he asks, shocked. I gasp, i remember him. He helped search for my mom's killer, though they never figured out it was my father. "Oh good, you two already know each other!" Joker exclaims, chuckling. "Emily, what are you doing with him? Where are your brothers!?" he asks, worried. "My father killed them. Just like he killed my mother. I could never tell you it was him, because I had to protect my brothers. We would have been taken away, separated. I couldn't let that happen. Then he killed them. The only people in this world who loved me." I explain, a tear escaping my eye. "W-where's your father?" he asks. "Dead. I killed him the night he killed my brothers. Then i ran away and never came back." I say, looking into his eyes. "But why are you with Joker? You were such a smart girl, you could have done amazing things. You could've helped people." he says, sounding disappointed. "He saved me when my boyfriend tried to kill me. And I could never be normal, work a normal job, or have normal friends. I'm a freak!" i shout, throwing a chair across the room without moving. Joker giggles, "Now that that's cleared up, we should go. I'm getting bored." I look at him and nod. "See you around, Jim." I whisper.
We walk out the doors and hop in the van. Joker glares at me, "How come you never told me you knew the comissioner!?" he growls. "It didn't come up." i say. He grips my face roughly in his hands. "I should have known anyway. You could have told me when you were telling me about you father killing your, uh mother, dollface!" he shouts, i flinch. He releases my face and starts driving. When we get back home, he says, "Go put some normal clothes on, we're going to tell your boss that you quit." I walk to my room and grab a t-shirt and jeans. I get dressed then jog back downstairs where Joker is waiting. I look at him and gasp, he's not wearing any makeup, except what he used to cover his scars, and his hair isn't green, its dirty blonde. He rolls his eyes at my shock, "Come on doll, let's, uh, go." he sighs, grabbing my arm and leads me to a car. We climb in and drive to the Gotham Times building. I get out and he follows. I puss ooen the door and walk inside. I scan the room for my boss and find him pouring coffee. I walk over to him. "Mr. Johnson." i say, standing behind him. He jumps and drops his coffee. He turns around, ready to yell, then sees who it is. "Ms. Dawson! Its good to see you're back where you belong." he says, smiling. "Actually, Mr. Johnson, i came here to quit. This job just doesn't suit me anymore." i explain, smiling. "Oh...well that's too bad, I'm really gonna miss you working here." he says, sadly. "Yes, I'm sure. Well, gotta go." i say turning and walking away. I walk past Joker and out the door, climbing into the car. When Joker gets in, i laugh. "What's so funny?" he asks, beginning to drive. "I'm so glad i don't work there anymore." i say, chuckling. "I hated that job. It was stupid." i exclaim. He smiles. "Well, now you have a new job." he says. When we get back, i go up to my room. I walk through my bedroom door and see all my stuff thrown all over the place. I walk forward slowly, then i see the picture of me and my brothers right before they died, lying in the floor in a cracked picture frame. I growl and storm downstairs. "WHO IN THE ACTUAL FUCK WENT INTO MY ROOM AND FUCKED MY SHIT UP!?!?" i scream from the bottom of the stairs. Everyone files into the room to see what I'm talking about. I hold up the broken picture frame, "Who WAS it!?" i shout. Joker walks into the room and comes up to me. What's going on, doll?" he asks. "Someone went into my room and fucked my shit up." i growl, showing him the broken picture frame. "This is the last thing i have of them. It was taken the day before they died." i whisper, a tear sliding down my nose. I see anger flash in his eyes. "HARLEY!" he shouts. "Coming Mistah J!" she says, running up to us. "Harley.." he growls. "Y-yes Mistah J?" she asks, sounding terrified. "Did you go into Emily's rooma and destroy her stuff?" he asks, fighting to stay calm. "N-N-no." she stutters. "Harley! I know when you're lying. Tell me the truth!" he shouts, clenching his fists. "Yes, Mistah J. I-i did." she whimpers. "Why?" he growls. "B-because she's trying to take my p-place..." she cries. " were jealous? You know this is the last picture she has of her uh brothers? Taken the day before they were killed." he says, grabbing my picture. "I didn't...i didn't know.." she whispers. I grab my picture away from him. I turn toward Harley, "You are so lucky the picture itself isn't messed up, or you would be dead." I growl. I turn around and storm back to my room. I flop onto my bed and carefully take the picture out of the broken frame. Once it's out, I put it in my drawer and lock it. I sigh and lay back on my bed, grabbing my phone and connecting it to my bluetooth speaker. I go to my music and blast The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance. Curled up into a ball, i fall sleep, and for the first time in two years, i dream of my brothers.

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