Chapter 13

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* Joker's POV *

I grab Emily's hand, pulling her out the door. We climb into a van with some of my henchmen and take off. I look over at Emily and see her fidgeting in her seat. "Doll?" I ask, turning my attention back to the road. "Yea..?" she mumbles. "Are you ready to do this?" I ask. "Yea, I'm ready." she whispers. I chuckle and she looks at me funny. "You're worried, doll. Its kinda funny." I say, looking over at her. "Its not funny at all! I could get hurt!" she shouts. "Whoa, whoa, calm down doll. You're not gonna get hurt!" I say, looking between her and the road. "We're almost there. Get ready. You'll be fine, I promise." I say, pulling up behind the bank. "O-okay." she stutters out. I chuckle. "Lets have some fun." I say, getting out of the van. She climbs out of the van and changes her hair color again. Green to purple. "Don't be nervouse, doll. Everything will be fine, if someone tries to hurt you, use your mind to stop them or one of my henchmen will stop them." I say. "I'm fine. I can do this. I'm actually kind of excited." she says, smiling. "Okay lets go! By the way, Doll, purple is I good color on you." I say, winking. Her face turns bright red and I laugh. "Alright boys, lets have some fun. Watch out for the bat!" I shout. Then we burst through the door of the bank and begin our fun. As I'm walking around the room, checking on the work of my henchmen, there's a shout. I turn around and see Bats holding Emily down. "Boys! I said watch out for the Bar! Get him!" I shout.
They go after him and he knocks Emily out. He and my men start fighting, so while he's distracted, I get Emily and go out the back door and get into the van. I drive is home and out Emily in bed after checking her head for serious injuries. Nothing. I leave and go to my room and try to get some rest.

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