Chapter 29

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   After a few more minutes of walking, I see a car coming down the road. I step to the side a bit, just in case it's not Edward. The car slows and the window rolls down, revealing a more than upset looking Riddler in the driver's seat and a worried looking Scarecrow in the passenger seat. "Jonathan?" I ask, surprised. He gives me a small smile. "Why weren't you answering your phone?" I ask, which  causes him to send a glare in Edward's direction. "He took it so I couldn't talk to you." he responds. I sigh. "Well," I say climbing into the car, "We have got to go. He's probably on his way as we speak." Once I'm in the car,  which is a sleek black with comfy leather seats. "Who?" Edward questions, pulling away. I sigh, "Joker. I think he's angry with me." I groan, leaning back in the seat. Then I start to think. "Jonny, did Joker walk in on us sleeping? Did you tell him anything that I said before falling asleep." He looks back at me. "He did walk in on us, but I didn't tell him anything." He replies. "Well, when we get back to, I guess, Eddie's place, there's something I need to show you." They both look back at me, which causes me to yell at Edward to watch the road. Once we pull up at Edward's...'house' I climb out of the car, wincing slightly. Jonathan sends me a worried look. I shake my head, walking up to brick-walled building with weeds and some vines scrawling up its sides. Eddie opens the door and we walk in, me immediately collapsing on the couch. Both men come over and sit on either side of me. "Okay, don't freak out and don't go completely crazy over what I'm about to show you. Got it?" I say calmly. They both nod. Slowly I lift my shirt up over my stomach, revealing the name that was oh so carefully carved into my flesh- note the sarcasm. They both gasp, then snarl. Jonathan's eyes glaze over with anger and Edward clenches his fist to the point that they turn white. "Guys.." i trail off as they both stand up angrily. Jonathan walks into what I assume is the kitchen and comes back with a first aid kit. "This may sting, so try not to scream." Scarecrow hisses in the gruff voice that I hate. I grab a small pillow and bite down on it as he pours alcohol on my wounds. I bite down so hard I'm sure my jaw is gonna break. Once he gets searing my injured skin, he gently wipes my cuts with a warm cloth. Afterwards, he puts some antibiotic gel  on my wounds and wraps my midsection in gauze, as to keep it from becoming infected. "He will pay for doing this." Scarecrow says, causing me to sigh. "Scarecrow, where's Jonny?" I ask, exasperated. "He's cooling down right now, he let me take over." He replies. Much to my surprise, Scarecrow tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and, oh so gently kisses my temple. I smile. "I apologize if I hurt you too badly." he whispers, and I know Jonathan is back. "It's fine, you were trying to help." He sighs, looking down at my stomach once again. "I'll be back later, you stay here. Edward, watch Emily, don't let her out of your sight!" he growls, looking between Edward and I. "Jonathan, I don't think it's a good idea right now...your sort of angry..." says Edward. Jonathan shoots him a glare. "I'm going to the Asylum. I'll be back!" He snarls at Edward, once  again, looking between us. "Okay, just don't go after Joker. You're angry and you could get hurt." Edward replies softly. I smile. "Okay, I won't go after Joker. Just watch her. Don't let him get to her." Jonathan says, walking out the door.  I look at Edward, "You care about him." I state. He snaps his head toward me. "I most certainly do not." he replies, looking out the window at Jonathan's car pulling away. "Liar." I chuckle, getting up from the couch and going into the kitchen. I open the fridge and gaze at the contents. I sigh and grab a coke, walking back out into the living room where Edward is watching the news. "This just in: Scarecrow is captured by Batman once again. More on this story tonight at nine." The news reporter, Vicki Vale announces. I gasp in shock and look at Edward. He looks just about as shocked as I am. "You okay, Edward?" I ask softly. He nods, "Just upset, is all. He was supposed to help me set up traps for Batman." he replies, shaking his head. I sigh, "Everything will be okay, Eddie." He smiles at me and I can see just a flash of sadness before it disappears. He smiles at me, "I know." I chuckle at this and lay down on the couch. He looks at me for a moment, then stands up from the chair he's in and walks over to the couch. I raise an eyebrow, he smirks. Before I realize what's happening, he's straddling my hips and looking down at me with a genuine look of apology. "I'm sorry." he whispers. I cock an eyebrow and he sighs. "I'm sorry for kidnapping you and always being jealous of you and Jonathan or you and Joker." he breathes out. I smile at him, a genuine smile. "It's okay, Eddie. I forgive you." I breathe out. He smiles what seems like a genuine smile. "I'm not crazy for loving you, am I?" he asks. "Yes, you are. Joker wants to kill both of you." I sigh. He climbs off me and I whimper at the loss of contact. It's cold in here and he's warm, okay? He gives me a strange look. "Did you just..whimper?" He asks. I feel my face flush. "You're warm." I whine. He chuckles and picks me up, carrying towards a door, that I assume leads to a bedroom. "Edward, what are you doing?" I ask as he opens the door easily and lays me down on the bed. He gives me a look that I can't decipher. "Well, I was going to take a nap, care to join me? You said I was warm, I figured you wouldn't mind taking a nap in my bed with me." He says, a slight blush trailing across his cheekbones. I can't help but think about how attractive he is;  slightly messed up brown hair, lively green eyes, glasses, with his green suit dotted with black question marks, green bowlers hat, and a purple domino mask. I smile tiredly and nod. He gives a shy smiles and lies down next to me. I sigh and scoot closer to him, wincing when the marks on my stomach begin to throbbed. He notices my wince and shoots up, walking out of the room, and coming back with a bottle of pain reliever. I smile graciously as he hands me two pills and my coke. I swallow the pills and chase them down with coke. "Thank you." I say to him. He nods and  crawls back onto the bed. Once again, I scoot closer, wanting to be held, as I'm upset about Jonathan being caught and Joker hurting me. Eddie wraps his arms around me and I nuzzle his chest. I hear him chuckle. "Go to sleep, darling. I'll be here when you wake." I smile and press myself against him, trying to soak up as much of his warmth as I can. I sigh, closing my eyes. Right before I slip into darkness, I feel him pull a blanket over us. Moments later, we're both asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

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