Chapter 22

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I'm really starting to re-think this whole 'Liking him' thing. I shut the door and turn around, jumping in surprise when i see Joker standing directly behind me. "Gah!" I gasp as I stumble backward, falling and landing and my butt. He laughs at the awkward expression on my face. "Shut up, Joker." I hiss, standing up and brushing myself off. He stops laughing and grabs me, shoving me against the wall. "You don't, uh, tell me what to do, doll! I am in charge here, understood!?" he roars, his face just inches from mine. I glare at him, "You know, I could just leave you and join him. I'm sure he wouldn't do this. He's learned not to fuck with me." i growl, trying to squirm free of his grip. He hisses and applies more force to my body. "You know, i could easily kill you and him. Or maybe I'd just torture him. Teach him not to try and steal from me." he hisses. I close my eyes and focus all my energy into getting him off me with my powers. He growls when he realizes whats happening. "Stop it!" he roars, trying trying to fight against it. When his hands are completely off me, I open the front door and run out. I don't release my mind's hold on him until I'm in the back yard. I immediately open the door and slip inside quietly. I see him walk outside, laughing. "You can't hide from me, Emily." he shout, walking forward. Using my mind, i slam the door shut and lock it. I run upstairs as he begins pounding on the front door. I run into one of the henchmen's rooms and find it empty. I shut the door quietly and lock it. I walk over to a wardrobe in the corner of the room and open it slightly, to make it look like someone had tried to hide in their. Then i walk over to the bathroom that adjoins the room. I open a large cabinet and climb in, crawling all the way to the back and sitting in the darkest corner. I hear him break down the door and walk inside. I can hear him yank open the wardrobe door and growl when he realizes it's empty. He storms into the bathroom and starts opening cabinets. When he gets to mine, he looks inside for a moment before slamming it closed and leaving the bathroom. When i think its safe i crawl out and leave the bathroom. When i go to walk out of the bathroom im grabbed by the hair and thrown into a wall. I hiss as my head hits the wall. "Why must you make things so difficult!?" he roars, storming over to me. I snarl and send a swift kick to his knees, causing him to fall. I get up and try to run past him, but he grabs my ankle, causing me to trip. I growl as he pulls me toward him. He straddles me, pinning me down and holding my wrists above my head. "Now, doll, you're going to shut up and listen to me, got it." he growls in my ear. I nod my head slowly. "Good. Now, I know what Crane was trying to do. The only reason i let him live is because you seem to like him. And i thought if i killed him, you would try to leave. You're my most powerful, uh.. Worker. I need your powers." he explains, leaning closer to my face. I kiss him and, while he's temporarily distracted, roll us over so I'm straddling him. "I don't like him anymore. He tricked me." i growl in his ear. "I'm not actually gonna team up with him. You just pissed me off." i explain, smirking. "You really shouldn't make threats like that. I would have killed you if you hadn't gotten away." he hisses, scowling at me. I chuckle, "I know." i sigh, shifting around a little to make sure he can't hurt me. Then Joker's eyes widen a little and he starts trying to get loose, but i hold him with my mind. "Emily. Let. Me. Go!" he snarls. "Why? What's wr-" i stop mid-sentence when I feel something poking my thigh. I turn bright red when i realize what it is. "Oh...I didn't mean...i wasn't..."i say, letting the sentence trail off as i climb off of him. "Yeah, yeah doll. I know." he mutters, standing up. Ge starts to walk away, but i stop him. "Joker?" i ask, putting my hand on his shoulder. He spins around to face me. "What?" he asks, quietly, his face not even a centimeter away from mine. I cup his face in my hands, kissing him slowly. He tenses up at first then starts kissing me back, pushing me back into the room we just came out of. He shuts the door and pushes me up against it. I wrap my legs around his waist, deepening the kiss. I begin running my thumbs across his scars, causing him to groan into the kiss. He pulls away and attaches his lips to my neck, licking and sucking and biting. A low moan escapes my mouth and i squeeze my eyes shut. "Ooh. I think she likes it." he chuckles against my neck. I push against him, causing him to stumble backward and fall. "Why did you do that!?" he growls, glaring at me. "I'm not having sex with you." I grumble. He chuckles, "And uh, why not?" he asks, standing up. "Because I'm not!" i hiss, opening the door to leave. I hear him mumble under his breath ad i walk away, shutting the door behind me. I walk into my bathroom and groan at my reflection. Red and white face paint is smeared on my face and neck. I grab a towel and some pajamas and climb into the shower. I scrub my face and neck, making sure to get all the paint off. I get out of the shower and dress in my pajamas. I plop down on my bed and hook my phone up to my speaker. After searching through my music for a moment, i decide to play This Is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco. I turn it up as loud as it will go and grab my sketch pad and a pencil. I open my sketch pad to my unfinished drawing of Gerard Way. I start working on the eyes. They're shape, size, the shading. I keep working on them until they're perfect. As i begin working on the nose, i yawn and my eyes start to droop. I put away my sketch pad and pencil and turn my music off, plugging my phone in. I curl up underneath my blanket and drift off to sleep, dreams of Joker and Jonathan crowding my mind.

Sorry if this isn't the best chapter. I've been a little busy. I love you guys!

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