Chapter 28

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"Well, I've ran several test and took note of all the results and there seems to be nothing wrong with you. Or, at least, not that the tests are picking up." Jonathan says, looking down at the papers in his hands. I sigh in frustration and slump back in my chair. He looks up at me and frowns. "I'm sorry..." is all he says. I shake my head, "Not your fault." Is my life ever gonna stop being so difficult? I get up and walk out of the room, heading to the kitchen. "Emily, where are you going?" Jonny asks as he follows me down the stairs. "To get something to drink." I grumble, entering the kitchen. "You mean, like a soda?" he asks, sitting at the table. I open a cabinet, "Not exactly, no." I respond, yanking a bottle of vodka from the shelf. "Um, Emily, I don't think alcohol is the best thing for you right now. Not with whats going on..." he trails off as I take a swig from the bottle. "I don't care." Half an hour later, I'm wrapped protectively in Jonathan's arms, sobbing. "I can't take this shit. I hate it." I cry into his shirt. He rubs my back awkwardly. And then, in a sudden, unexplained burst of happiness, I start laughing uncontrollably. "What's so funny?" He questions. I shake my head, "I...don't...know..." i manage to choke out between giggles. He sighs and picks me up, putting me into my bed, and pulling the blankets up to my chin. "I think you need a nap." he says, beginning to walk away. "Wait! Jonny, don't leave. Stay with me. At least until I fall asleep." I say, reaching my hand out for him. He rolls his eyes and gives me a small smile. I scoot over and he climbs into bed next to me, curling an arm around my waist. "Now go to sleep, you need to sober up." he mutters into my hair. I let out a content sigh and close my eyes, relishing in the warmth of his body. "I love you, Jonny." I slur, pressing myself closer to him. He tenses, "Go to sleep, you're drunk." He mumbles. I frown. "But Jonny.." I whisper. "No buts. We'll talk when you wake up." I sigh and curl up into a ball. "Promise?" I question. I hear him sigh before he replies, "Yes, I promise. Now will you go to sleep?" he asks, shifting his body slightly. I smile, "Gladly." and close my eyes, letting dreams of my past cloud my mind.


When I awake, about an hour and a half later, Jonny is nowhere to be seen, but Joker is sitting at the end of my bed, twirling a knife in his hand. I slowly, sit up, leaning against my headboard for support. Joker's head snaps around and he stares at me for a moment before an evil grin creeps onto his face. "Well, well. Look who finally decided to wake their ass up. Enjoy your nap?" he practically growls. I furrow my brow in confusion. Why is he in such a bad mood? "A 'good morning' would have sufficed." I mutter. At this he lets out an insane laugh. "Well, if I hadn't found you curled up with Scarecrow, I might be in a better mood." I give him a confused, yet defensive look. "You've got Harley. Why should it matter who I cuddle up with for a nap?" His gaze shifts from my face, to his knife, and back again. "You work for me, dollface. That's why it matters. I think it's about time I mark what's mine." My eyes widen in understanding. I look around for a way to get away from him. He notices my shifting gaze, "Don't even think about it." he growls, lunging at me. I shriek as he pushes me back onto my bed and holds my wrists above my head with one hand, and the other to lift my shirt, revealing my stomach. I try to squirm free, but he's got an iron grip on me. "Keep wiggling and your gonna make this a lot worse than it has to be." With that, I stop squirming as much. Then he takes the knife and begins carving letters into my delicate skin. I cry out in pain, tears stinging my eyes. Within moments I pass out from the pain, escaping into the blissful darkness.


When I awake, once again, there's a painful throbbing on my stomach. Slowly, reluctantly, I look down at my exposed belly and see blood. Blood covering every inch of my stomach and soaking the hem of my shirt. I gasp. That bastard! Slowly I sit up, trying to ignore the searing pain, and walk into the bathroom to take a shower. I strip my bloody clothes and turn on the shower. Once the water gets warm, I step in, groaning softly in pain. Damn him. Who does he think he is? Stupid question. But, just because he's the Joker, doesn't mean I belong to him! I hop out of the shower and look in the mirror at my stomach. The name 'Joker' is carved into my skin in jagged, block letters. I wrap a towel around myself and leave the bathroom. Once I'm back in my room, I grab a shirt and a pair of jeans from my drawer. If he thinks I'm doing any kind of work for him after what he did, he's got another thing coming. After I throw my clothes on, I grab my phone, dialing Jonny's number as I climb out of my bedroom window and jump silently to the ground.When Jonny doesn't answer the phone, I groan and start walking away from the house.

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