Chapter 33

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Riding in the car with Jonny was a lot more awkward than I thought it would be. I'm not sure why, but he seems to be really tense. Before we left, everything was fine, but after about ten minutes into our drive, he became really tense and quiet. I sigh and turn on the radio, flipping through the stations and finding none of my music on, then deciding to hook my phone up to the radio with the aux cord. I can feel Jonathan watching me out of the corner of his eye, and try to ignore it. I open Spotify and click on Twenty Øne Piløts album Vessel and hit 'shuffle play'. The first song to play is "Migraine" and I sing along. I can feel Jonny watching me as I belt out lyrics. After finish with the first verse, I look over at Jonny, and see him watching me with a slightly worried expression. "Why do you listen to this kind of music..?" He asks. I raise my eyebrow and shake my head, "Anyone who understands this song, like I do, knows why." He nods slowly, eyes still worried. I sigh softly. "This song is actually how I felt when I was with Dakota. It wasn't just the drinking. He wanted something that I refused to give to him. Because I wasn't in love with him. I didn't love him. And he didn't love me. I still have no idea why we ever got together. Maybe it was because he gave me a place to go when I had nothing? Or maybe because he portrayed himself as a nice, good guy who actually cared about me? I don't like thinking about him. About any of it. Sometimes I wish I could just...forget everything that happened." I say, turning the music off and putting my phone in my pocket. Jonathan is silent for a moment before he asks, "What did he want from you?" I look over at Jonny, then out my window, and whisper, oh so quietly, "My virginity..." I feel my face heating up and the silence in the car is deafening. The silence seems to stretch on forever when Jonny finally speaks, sounding quite shocked, "You're a virgin?" I nod and stare at my hands. It's silent for the rest of our drive. When we finally pull up to our destination, Jonny says my name quietly and look over at him. He looks into my eyes and cups my cheek. "Do not, and I mean, do not let Joker know that you are a virgin. Don't let anyone in that hellhole know that you are a virgin. If Joker knows that you're a virgin, it will just make him more persistent in trying to get with you. And if any of those men knew, they'd all be trying to get in your pants." Scarecrow growls. The look in his eye is deadly and I do my best to nod. "If any of them were to hurt you, I would make them suffer." He hisses before kissing me roughly. I kiss back hesitantly, before he pulls away, the deadly look in his eyes still very much there. We stare at each other for what feels like hours but is probably just minutes. "I don't know how, but you have changed something inside of me. You are the only person I don't want to see writhing in fear at my feet. The only person I don't want to spray with my toxin just to hear them scream." He says. My heart stops and I stare at him for another few minutes before kissing him. He seems shocked, but kisses back nonetheless. When we pull away from each other, he speaks again. "Everyone else is just a screaming bag of flesh. They mean nothing. But you, oh you my dear, mean a lot." And with that he opens his door and climbs out into the chilly autumn air of Gotham. Leaving me shocked. He walks around and opens my door, grabbing my hand gently and helping me out. I look into his eyes once more, and the murderous gleam is gone. Jonny is back. Our eyes meet for just a moment, before he's pulling me into what looks to be an abandoned building. He gives the door three taps before a monster of a man opens it. All chest and shoulders with his arms crossed. He looks Jonny and I up and down before nodding slightly and allowing us access. We walk inside and it's like stepping into a different world. The outside is grim and rundown while the inside is brightly lit and furnished nicely. But I'm confused as to why we're here. I raise my eyebrow at Jonathan and he gives me a small smile. "I thought we were shopping?" I say in a questioning tone. He tilts his head, "Oh did I say shopping? I meant we were going to have your outfit custom made. With your choice of colors, of course." I arch my brow and nod. Just then, a round, bald man of about my height entered the room. He looks at Crane and nods in my direction. "This her?" He asks, to which Jonny nods once. The man let's out a whistle. "My, my Dr. Crane. When you said she was beautiful, you weren't kidding. Where'd ya find 'er?" The says while walking around me in a small circle, inspecting me. I see Jonny tense up at his words. "She works for the Joker." He practically snarls at the man. The man shudders at the mention of Joker. Or maybe it was the tone of Jonny's voice. Or both. Either way, It makes me feel a bit better, knowing he fears Joker and/or Jonny. The man comes to a stop in front of me. "What colors are ya wantin' to use, Sweetheart?" He asks and I notice Jonny glaring at him. "Mr. Ramirez, I think it's best if you address her as Miss Dawson." Scarecrow hisses, causing Ramirez to stiffen and nod in understanding. I can see the murderous glare Scarecrow has directed at the man. I think for a moment about what colors I want to use. I decide quickly. "Black, blue, and purple." I say, feeling somewhat awkward. The man nods. "Alright sug...Miss Dawson.." He says, glancing over his shoulder at Jonathan. Scarecrow snarls at him and his head snaps back around to focus on me. He snaps his fingers and the man who meet us at the door hands him body measuring tape. Ramirez then grabs a small stool and instructs me to stand on it. Once I step up onto the stool, he lifts my arms and tells me to keep them like that. Then asked me to spread my legs some. I do so and he starts measuring me. Once he's done taking my measurements, he nods to Jonathan and I before disappearing into another room. Jonathan stares after him with a look of disdain. Then looks over at me. "I despise the way he was looking at you." He says, taking his glasses off to wipe them with a small cloth from his pocket. I nod. Soon after, the man returns with several articles of clothing. Jonny watches him closely as he walks over to a table sits them down. He looks me up and down, then grabs a black long sleeve shirt and dark purple short sleeve shirt, and l a pair of dark blue pants. He hands them to me, "Those pants are 45% polyester and 55% spandex, the black shirt is 60/40, and the purple shirt is 50/50. You can change in there." Ramirez says, pointing to a door and leaving the room once again. I shuffle towards the room and open the door, stepping into the darkness of the room and searching for a light switch. I find the switch and flip it, illuminating the room. I lock the door and strip myself of my clothing, then pull my new clothes on. I look in the mirror and smile before grabbing my clothes and exciting the room. I walk over to Jonny and tap his shoulder. He turns around and looks me over, then smiles. I smile back and hug him, causing him to stiffen and awkwardly hug me back. We pull away from each other at the sound of Ramirez clearing his throat. "Here you go, Miss Dawson.." he says, handing me a pair of combat boots. I take them and slide them on, surprised by how perfectly they fit. I smile and look and Jonny, he gives me a small smile and a nod, then turns to Ramirez. Ramirez  cowers under Jonny's intense glare and shudders as he speaks. "I- I'm assuming you're g- gonna ask about the c-cost," he says, to which Jonny nods. The bald man shakes his head slowly, "F- for Joker, free of charge... Y- you can just g- go.." Jonny nods and grabs my hand, pulling me out the door and into the car, without so much as a "goodbye". He starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot, speeding down the road. Once we put some distance between ourselves and the shop, he seems to relax, and slows down a bit. He glances at me, then back at the road, and speaks. "I...I have something for you...uh..back at my place.." I stare at him in shock. "You got something for me?" I ask, blinking in disbelief. He nod, "I mean...It's not like clothes or jewelry...But I believe it will be of use for you. Especially with you living with those...heathens." I smile and nod, "Well...What is it?" I ask, to which he chuckles. "You'll see when we get there." I cross my arms and fake pout, causing him to rolls his eyes and chuckle. I shoot a playful glare at him and flick his ear. He glances at me, "Don't do that. I'm driving." He states calmly, before turning his eyes back to the road. I giggle and kiss his cheek. He blushes slightly, causing me to giggle again and pull out my phone to snap a picture. He glares at me when he hears the click of the camera. "Delete it." He says, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Never." I whisper in his ear before shoving my phone in my bra. He rolls his eyes and sighs, paying attention to the road once more. I smile and put my feet up on the dash, trying to be patient, though I'm eager to see what he got me. Obviously, it's something I can use to protect myself, but there are so many things that I could do that with. I lean my head back against the seat and let my mind wonder about what it could be and how much he cares about me, smiling slightly to myself.

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