Chapter 30

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* Jonathan's POV *

It's been two weeks since I was captured and thrown back in Arkham Asylum. I sigh. I wonder how Emily's doing. Did Joker get her? Is she still with Edward? Are they both dead because of Joker? I growl and shake my head. I shouldn't be thinking about these things. I should be trying to escape. Problem is, I can't think of a plan with all the thoughts of Emily jumping around inside my head. What if she and Edward hooked up? What if he betrayed me and they slept together? I swear to everything that is holy... There's nothing I can do about it. I'm in here and they're out there. As I'm pondering what could be happening on the outside, the power shuts off and my door opens. I blink a couple of times, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness, then walk out of my cell. I begin walking down a hall that I believe will lead me to the nearest exit. The power still hasn't come back on and it's pitch black. Suddenly, someone grabs me and places their hand over my mouth. I squirm quite a bit before I hear a familiar voice. "Jonny, calm down its us." I stop moving and they let me go. I turn around and stare in shock at Emily's smiling face. "How did you-" I stop my question before I finish when I see Edward strutting toward us. "Nevermind." I say, shaking my head, of course Edward would help break me out. "Come let's go before-" Edward begins, but never gets to finish as he's slammed to the ground beside Emily. Edward groans in pain on the floor before he passes out. "Shit." Emily says, whirling around to stand shoulder to shoulder with me. I look over at her and she has her eyes closed. Before Batman has a clue as to what's happening, he's flying through the hall, away from the three of us. "Grab Edward, we have to get out of here. Now!" she shouts, grabbing one of Edward's arms while I grab the other. He's heavier than he looks. As we're dragging Edward down the hall, I hear a rustle of fabric, then I'm on the ground. I hear Emily let out a growl of frustration as she drops Edward and focuses on me. Batman goes to knock me out, but is suddenly stopped and pulled off of me. He is flung against the wall and held there by Emily. "Go! Now!" she snarls through clenched teeth. "I can't leave you here with him." I respond, wrapping one of Edward's arms around my shoulders. She grunts in annoyance and glares at me. "I can handle myself, I'll get out. Now go! I'll catch up to you later." she says, a look of concentration crossing her features. I sigh and begin walking down the hallway with an unconscious Edward on my arm. This is gonna take a while.

* Emily's POV *

Once Jonny and Edward are safely around the corner, I let Batman go. He gives me a confused look before lunging at me. I easily dodge it and lean against the wall. "There's no point fighting me, Batman. By the time one if us is knocked out, every inmate in Arkham will be gone." I state, picking at my black nails. I hear him growl before he lunges, once again, missing me. "Who are you?" he growls in that gravelly voice of his. I chuckle. "Someone you really can't beat. Because I can see every move you make before you make it." I reply coolly. He stares at me and says, "So you're a psychic? A fortune teller?" he asks, chuckling in a chilling way. I glare at him, then let out a girlish giggle, "Of course not, Silly! That's preposterous." He gives me a weird look, then I see a slight smile curve his lips. I look into his mind. If I put feign surrender, Robin can surprise her when she let's her guard down. I'll just have to give him the signal. A subtle nod should do it. Batman then raises his hands, pretending to surrender. I play along, pretending let my guard down as walk over to him. When I'm standing directly in front of him, I stare him in the eye so he can't move his head without me noticing, then use my powers to grab his Batclaw. Then, making sure he can't move a muscle, I grab it and whirl around and fire it at a very surprised Boy Blunder. As it grips his cape, I yank him down from his perch on a gargoyle. Once he's on the floor, I toss Batman to the floor next to him and tie them up the some wire from Batman's belt. They both stare at me dumbfounded. "How did you..?" Batman grumbles. I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger. "I told you I could see the moves you make before you make them, but you didn't wanna believe me." I coo in his ear,grabbing a Bat-a-rang from his utility belt as a keepsake. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got a couple of friends to check up on. Ciao!" I say sweetly, tucking the gadget into my boot and walking away. "That'll teach you to knock me out when I'm working." I say, just loud enough for him to hear, then I'm gone. Once outside the Asylum's gates, I begin to jog lightly, hoping it doesn't decide to start raining anytime soon. As I'm walking away, I hear someone say my name. I stop dead in my tracks, looking for the source of the noise before I see Jonny and a now wide awake Eddie kneeling in the bushes. I walk over to them and the look at me with utter shock. "How did you get out of there without even a scratch?!" Eddie exclaims, looking me up and down. I chuckle. "I'm just awesome like that." I respond. "Now come on, let's get home, I'm starving." I state, walking ahead of them. I can hear them mumbling behind me as we walk towards my...'home'. Which I haven't gone back to since Joker carved his name into my skin. "Did you two happen to get any of my stuff before you came and got me?" Jonathan asks. "Nope." I say over my shoulder. I hear him sigh. "Don't act so glum. I know you have more masks. I've seen them. And plenty of suits, might I add." I hear him chuckle. I sigh, I'm not looking forward to the rest of this walk.

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