Chapter 21

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* Emily's POV *

"So..what do you wanna do, Crane?" i ask, looking around his house. His livingroom is noticeably bare, holding only the necessary items to be called a livingroom. An old couch sitting, in front a small television, with a coffee table in between. A beaten copy of 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' lays on the coffee table, I pick it up. "I've read this a few times." I mumble opening to the first page and plopping down on his couch. He sits down next to me, "Hmm, yes I quite, i suppose you could say, enjoy that story. It follows the life of-" i finish for him, "Ichabod Crane. Yes i know." i say, turning the page. He tilts his head slightly to the left, "You read rather quickly." he states. I smile lightly, "Yeah, my mind is rather unique. I can read quite quickly as well as doing some other things regular people can't." i say, glancing up at him and capturing those beautiful, piercing blue eyes. "Hmm, please enlighten me." he says, smirking. "Well, I have some...unique abilities regarding my mind. You see, I can," I say lifting the book out of my hands to read it, "Do things with my mind." I turn my attention back to the book, smirking at the expression on his face. "Well, that's....interesting." he says, gazing at me with a curious expression. I sit the book back on the coffee table and stare into his eyes. "You know, I bet your curious as to how I would react while under your fear toxin." I say, reaching up to take his glasses off. He tenses when my fingertips graze his cheekbone as I'm pulling his glasses. I slide his glasses on and push them up on to the bridge of my nose. "What are you doing?" he asks, eyes boring into mine. "Trying on your glasses. How do I look?" i ask. "They look nice on you, but you may not keep them because i need them to see." he states, taking them back and putting them on. "I'm supposed to gave glasses. The school nurses always told my father, but he would never listen. And if the school provided them, he'd break them. He didn't think I deserved them." i say, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He looks at me questioningly, "Well then why don't you get some now that you're an adult?" he asks. I chuckle, "That may be a good idea." I say. Just as he's about to say something else, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and Joker starts shouting in my ear. "Where are you!?" he growls. "I am with Crane. You pissed me off and i had nothing better to do and no where to go." I hiss back. "Well, uh, doll you might wanna get back here because I have a job for us tonight. " he roars in my ear. I groan, "Fine!" i growl back, hanging up on him. "I have to go Joker has a job for me tonight." i say, standing up. He stands up next to me and smiles lighlty. "Until next time, then." he says, walking side by side with me to his car. We climb in and begin driving, pretty soon, i realize we passed the coffee shop where I left my car. " car is in the parking lot of that coffee shop..." i say, looking out the window. "Yes, I know. I'm driving you home. And the thing you said about the fear toxin? You were correct. But I have decided not to use my toxin on you. Unless of course you want me to or it's absolutely necessary." he says, glancing at me then back at the road. We pull up to the house and stop. I hop out of the car and walk to the door. I shove it open and storm up the stairs, with Jonathan following me. I walk into my room and turn to face Jonathan. "Why are you following me?" i ask softly. He smirks and walks toward me, cupping my face in his hands. He presses his lips to mine, urging me to react. And i do. I tangle my fingers in his hair, effectively deepening the kiss. When he pulls away, my face is flushed and I'm at a loss for words. He smiles, "I am going to talk to Joker. I'll see you Tuesday. And, by the way, your face is bright red." he says chuckling. I look down, smiling. "Okay. See you Tuesday." i mumble as he walks out the door.

* Jonathan's POV *

As I walk out of Emily s room, i smile. Maybe this will work.
That's right Jonny, gain her trust. Then we can break her.
I can't wait to see what makes her tick.
It's going to be great. But, Jonny, I think you may have enjoyed that kiss a little too much.
It was quite enjoyable. But I just need her to trust me so I can gas her. I'm even more curious now, seeing how strong her mind is. I want to see how much she can take.
It won't be long now, Jonnyboy. Did you see how red her face was? She likes you.
No, it wont be long.

* Joker's POV *

Crane walks into my office, smirking before turning serious. "What do you want, Crane?" i growl, a bit upset that he had one of my mains at his house. "I need you to make sure you don't plan anything for Tuesday of next week for Emily. She'll be working with me on my Toxin." he says, adjusting his glasses, even though they didn't need it. "I'll see what I can, uh, do. I'm not making any promises." i grow. "I suppose I'll be going then. Let me know by Monday night." he says over his shoulder as he walks out the door.

* Emily's POV *

I'm about to leave my room when i here what sounds like a whispered argument.
"You need to gain her trust quicker, she needs to join us as soon as possible. She is far too smart for the likes of people like Joker." I hear someone snarl outside my door. I pause, pressing my ear against the door to hear more. "You don't think I'm trying Scarecrow!? It is not like i can just tell her to join us! This is going to take some time." i hear what sounds like Jonathan reply. "I know it will take time! But it needs to be rather quickly. We need to convince her before she becomes to attached to him." Scarecrow snaps back. "Yes, I realize this, but-" he's cut off by me yanking my door open. He stares at me in shock. "You're trying to turn me against Joker!?" i growl, pinning him to the wall with my forearm pressed against his throat. "Well, yes and no. I'm not necessarily trying to turn you against him. Just trying to convince you to leave him and join me." he says calmly, removing my arm from his neck like it was nothing. I pin him against the wall again, but this time, with my mind. I snarl at him. "Is that the only reason you kissed me?" I ask, boring my bright green eyes into his icy blue ones. "Not necessarily.. You are quite attractive." he mumbles, turning a light shade of red. I growl and slam his head into the wall. He groans, "Was that absolutely necessary?" he asks. "Yes!" i snap. Soon enough, Joker walks out of his office abs struts over to us. "What's, uh, what's going on?" he asks, studying the scene. Jonathan shoots me a pleading look and, because i still kind of like him, i lie. "He doubted my powers, so i decided to show him just how strong they really were." i explain, releasing Jonathan. Joker chuckles, "You know Jonny, you really shouldn't doubt her." he says, walking away. "Yeah, I think I may have figured that out." he says, rubbing his head. I glare at him. "I won't tell him what happened. But when and if you kiss me again, it better not be because you're trying to get me to team up with you. My loyalty is with Joker. If you do try it again, I will tell him. This is you're only chance. Got it?" i growl lowly. He nods, "Noted." I nod and walk him to the door, kissing his cheek before he goes. "Later Jonny." i say, chuckling when I sew his cheeks turn slightly red. "Bye." he mumbles, walking to his car.

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