Authors Note

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Dear Readers, 

      I am so sorry. I thought I would be able to finish this story, even if I did so quickly. The truth is, I can not. When I started this story I was in a very dark place, and desperately needed escape. I got that through writing. In the past year or so, things have changed drastically. I'm just no longer in that head space. I've tried desperately to tap back into it so I could finish this for you guys. For the ones who have stuck around. I just can't. I can't get back to that place. And I am not sure I want to. It was very dark. And these fictional characters helped me. This story became a second reality. One that wasn't great, but still better than the first. Only because I could pretend that these fictional characters loved me. Feel like I had someone. Like I wasn't alone. Because in reality, I was. I was very alone. I did not have anyone who I felt cared about me. I wanted a family. Even if it was as dysfunctional as the one that was beginning to form in the story. Because, like in the story, my family was very dysfunctional. No, he did not kill my brothers, but he did lose them. Gave them up, actually. He was not an alcoholic, but he was a drug addict. My mother is not dead, but she is in jail. She is a drug addict, also. My father is in jail. The brothers in the story have the same names as my actual brothers. Well, same first names. But I never got to see them turn 10. Not even close. I got the oldest one until he was four. Then they were taken by CPS. My father signed his rights away to stay out of jail. I was broken. Seemingly unmendably broken. Unfixable in my own eyes,  due to my circumstances. But circumstances change, as do people. My circumstances changed, and so did I. I healed. Not completely, but I healed. I'm still mending, but with every day, I get better. And with every day, I get farther and farther from the girl who started this story. So forgive my not being able to finish it. And please understand. Thank you for sticking around for this wrong, though you didn't have much reason to. Please do not be angry with me. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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