Chapter 15

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I walk to the garage and climb into a car. I change my hair and eye color, just in case someone may recognize me. I start the car and fly out of the driveway. I drive until i find a coffee shop. I park at the curb and walk inside. "Hi! How may I help you?" asks a scrawny, blonde girl from behind the counter. "Yeah, I'd like a chocolate and caramel iced coffee and a blueberry muffin." I say, half smiling. "Sure thing, your order'll be ready in a minute." she replies, turning to get started on my coffee. I sit down at a table, grab a napkin, and pull a pen out of my pocket. I start doodling without really thinking. By the time my iced coffee is ready, I have a little cartoon version of Joker. That's strange, I don't usually draw people I know. When I'm finished with my coffee and muffin, I get up and leave. When I get home, almost 2 hours from the time I left, Joker is furious, though I don't know why. "Where were you, doll!?" he shouts from the stairs. "I was getting coffee and a muffin. Does it matter?" I shout back. "No, no..why would it matter? Just take off in one of my cars without telling anyone where you're going, now why would that matter?" he asks in a quiet, sickeningly sweet voice, which is almost as scary as him yelling. "Sorry, I didn't know I had to ask permission to leave." I say, walking up the stairs. I try to walk past him, but he grabs my arm. "You don't have to ask permission." he whispers in my ear. I shudder, "Then what's the big deal?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles, "Because, if someone had recognized you, you would get taken in for questioning. Then you might accidentally let our location slip." he says, letting go of my arm. I walk into my room and close the door. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. Lord help me, I love a psycho. I laugh to myself and play some music on my phone.

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