Chapter 31

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My head is pounding. I'm tired and I want to hurry up and get home. Or...get back to wherever I'm staying. Seeing as I haven't been back to Joker's hideout since the little incident where he carved his name into my skin, Im not sure if he will allow me to come back. It's not like I care if he doesn't let me come back. I'll just go stay with Edward or Jonny. Eventually, the three of us make it to Jokers hideout. And we were, surprisingly enough, not noticed by anyone on our little trip. As we grow closer to the hideout, I see a goon talking on the phone. Joker is probably on the other line. "...We've been looking for her for weeks boss...yes boss...i know that boss but...ok ok we'll keep- huh?!" the goons sentence is cut short by me taking the phone. The goon, who must be at least 6'1 with dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes, covered in tattoos and scars, stares at me. His eyes going straight to my chest. I roll my eyes in annoyance and speak into the phone. "Hiya Joker. How ya been? Hope you didn't miss me too much." I say into the phone. I hear a growl on the other end then the beep indicating he hung up. I toss the phone back to the goon and step back to stand between Jonny and Eddie. A few short moments later, Joker storms out the front door looking mad as all hell. He stops in front of me and glares at the three of us. "Where have you been!? You belong to me! You don't leave unless I say you can!" he hisses between clenched teeth. I glare back at him. "I am not your property! I can go wherever I want, whenever I want, with whoever I want! I don't listen to no one but myself. If you don't like that then I'm leaving again." I hiss back. His eyes widen slightly at my words. Then he growls, "How fucking dare you talk to me like that!? I fucking saved you! You will listen to me. You will work for me. And you will do whatever the fuck i say. Do you understand?!" He grabs my face and brings it close to his. I stay silent. "Answer me!" he snarls. I couldn't continue fighting him unless i wanted to end up dead. I give in. "Y-yes sir. I understand..." i mutter, feigning fear and submission He smirks. "Good girl." he says, releasing my face and patting my head. Eddie and Jonny give me a worried look. I look at them and wink. Joker doesnt notice. But they catch it and give me small smiles. When Joker pulls away from me to look me over with a giant grin plastered on his face, I lunge at him, knocking him to the ground and straddling his hips. "One thing you need to know about me. I'm not like Harley. I won't give in to your will. I will not let you manipulate and control me. Understand?" I hiss, pinning his arms above his head. No one says a word. Not Jonny, or Eddie, or the goon (who has been watching all this go down with an amused look), not even Joker has anything to say. He just stares at me with a somewhat shocked expression on his face. Then, in that moment of silence, my awkwardness kicks in and I realize what position I've put us in. I blush slightly. He cocks an eyebrow and gives me a sly grin, "Ya know doll, if ya wanted a ride all ya had to do was ask." he says, chuckling as my blush darkens. At this point the goon is now laughing like an idiot while Jonathan, Edward, and I are all scowling at Joker, whose chuckling has turned to cackling. I try to snarl at him, but it comes out sounding like more of a squeak, causing me to blush even more. This causes him to give a confused sort of look. "Was that a...squeal? Did you just squeal at my words? Hm?" He asks mockingly. I glare at him. "No. I did not squeal, i snarled." I hiss between clenched teeth. "Not what it sounded like to me, hot stuff." I snap head around to glare at the goon. "Unless you want to go flying I suggest you shut your mouth." I growl. The man chuckles. "What is a pretty little girl like you gonna do to a guy like me?" he questions, looking confident. This causes me to laugh and makes Joker, Jonny, and Edward shake their heads. "Why ya laughin'? The worst ya could do is what? Seduce me? Go ahead. Im cool with that." He remarks. My laughter dies down and I shake my head. "Alright. Time to show you why Joker wanted me back so badly." I say. He raises an eyebrow and, without moving from my spot straddling Joker's hips, I send the goon flying across the yard. He hits a tree and falls to the ground, groaning. I smirk. Then turn my attention back to Joker, who is watching me with a look of amusement. I raise and eyebrow. "Why you looking at me like that?" I ask. He chuckles, "Ya seem pretty..comfortable there doll. Looks to me like you do wanna ride." I scowl at him. "Ha, you wish, Joker." I reply, moving from my place straddling his hips and begin walking towards Edward and Jonny. I can feel Joker glaring at me. I roll my eyes, then look at Jonny. He gives me a smile, which i return happily. I turn my gaze to Edward and he kinda smirks. "I never did get a proper 'Thank you' for helping you break Jonathan out." he states. I chuckle and stand up on my tip-toes to plant a kiss on his lips. He blushes slightly, seeming flustered. "I suppose that works.." he says, fiddling with his sleeve. I smirk, "Aww, little Eddie blushed. How cute." At this, he rolls his eyes. I chuckle, then gesture between him and jonny. "And I never got a proper 'Thank you' for saving both of your from Batman." After I say that, they look at each other then both wrap their arms around me in a group hug. I giggle slightly. "Oohh hugs. I like hugs." I say. Then they pull away and smile slightly. Smiles they only give me. "There's my thank you for saving your butts. Now, Jonny, where's my thank you for convincing Edward to help me break you out?" I question. He chuckles and gives me a peck on the lips. I smile. "That's all the thank you i need." I look between the two of them y'all go home and go to bed. It's been a long day. I'll speak with y'all tomorrow." I say, smiling slightly. They nod and Eddie calls for one of his men to come pick him and Jonny up and take them to their respective houses. I wave as they leave then head inside the house and to my bedroom, gathering things for a shower once I get to my room. After taking a 15 minute shower, I get ready for bed, putting on my pajamas and plugging my phone in. I pull my blanket down so I can climb into bed. As I do so, I'm met with the sight of my blood spotted here and there on the sheets. I sigh, climbing into bed, too tired to do anything about it tonight. I curl up in bed, remembering that the last time I did so, I was drunk and Jonny was laying next to me. I sigh quietly and close my eyes, letting darkness consume me, and eventually falling into deep, dream-less sleep.

Hey guys! Sorry for the wait. I had a school program most of the summer, and I became sort of depressed and lost touch with my imagination. Thanks for reading and being patient. I love you guys.

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