Chapter 17

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Later on that night, Joker calls me into his office. I open the door and walk inside, shutting it behind me. "You called got me?" I say, questioningly. "Ah, yes. Doll, you need to, uh, find an outfit for yourself. And a name." he says, working on some papers. "Um..okay. Is that all?" I ask. He looks up at me, "Hmm, oh, yes. You're going to be one of my mains, Okay?" he says. "Erm, Okay." I say, turning to leave. "Oh, and, Doll?" he says before I leave. "Yes?" I ask, peering over my shoulder. "Be sure and stay away from Harley. She's a little, uh, jealous." he says, laughing. "Okay." i say, walking out the door. I got to my room and lie in bed. I grab my phone and put my earbuds. I close my eyes and fall asleep to the words of "I Don't Love You" by My Chemical Romance.

* The next morning *

I wake up and go to take a shower. When I'm finished, put on a purple tank top and black jean shorts. I walk into my room and grab my phone, blasting my favorite songs to help me think about my outfit and my name. I sit on my bed and start thinking about what colors I like. My favorite colors are black and red, so I choose those two colors. I think about things i enjoy, like darkness, blood, roses, and the night. "Hmm...Dark Rose...or Midnight Rose..." i say to myself. How do i decide? Hmm...Joker. I get off my bed and head to his office and knock on the door. "Come in." he says from the other side of the door. "Joker i need your help deciding on something.." i say opening the door. "Okay, whatcha need help deciding on, dollface?" he asks, looking at the papers on his desk. " name...i have two that i like..but i can't decide.." i say quietly, looking at my feet. "Hm, okay what are the names?" he asks, looking up from his papers. "Umm Dark Rose and Midnight Rose..." i mumble, looking up at him. "Hmm...why rose?" he asks. I smile, "I like roses, they're red, like blood." i say. "Hmm...Midnight Rose. A blood red rose in the darkness of the night. Its a beautiful, mysterious thing, like you." he says, chuckling. I don't say anything, but i know my face is red. "Why so red doll?" he asks, noticing my blush. " happens sometimes.." i say, looking at the floor. "Okay, doll. Now, how's your outfit coming along?" he asks, standing up and walking towards the door. "Um...i haven't started it yet, but i know what colors I'm using." i say, standing to follow him, knowing the conversation isn't over. "What colors?" he asks. "Black and red." i say, walking next to him. "Okay, now go get started on it. Go to the store, buy some things to help you. I have more important business to tend to." he says, walking away. I go to my room and grab my shoes. I walk downstairs and out the front door, climbing into a car. I drive to the mall and head inside. I go into one of the stores and pick out a red corset with black, rose buttons, a black skirt, some boots and stockings. I find a pair of really awesome, lace fingerless gloves with roses imprinted on them. I grab a black pair and head to checkout. After I've paid for everything, i head home. When i walk through the front door, Joker walks up to me and grabs my arm, pulling me up the stairs. "What are you-" i begin, but he cuts me off. "Quiet!" he growls. He pulls me into his room. He sits on the bed and looks at me. I stand by the door and look back at him. "Why am i here?" i ask, confused. "Where did you go?" he asks, sounding angry. "I went to the store like you said, and got some stuff for my outfit." i say, lifting up one of the bags in my hand. He glares at me. "Why are you upset about me leaving? I went and did what you told me to, whats wrong with that?" i ask. He sighs, "There's nothing wrong with it, I just don't want one of my mains being taken into to custody." he says. "Okay, i know this, that's why i change my hair color every time i go out." i say in a duh voice. "I don't care if you know it, you need to be more careful." he growls. "Okay, okay, fine. May I go now? I want to put my outfit together and see how it looks." i say, frowning. "Yeah, go, but when you're finished with you're outfit, come show me. I want to see how it looks." he says, waving his hand dismissively. I walk out of his room and into mine. I put on the corset and skirt. Then i put on red stockings and black boots. I change my hair to black with red streaks and my eyes to an icy blue. I put on red lipstick, gray eye shadow, black eyeliner, and some mascara. When I'm finished, I walk to Joker's room. Just as I'm about to knock, he opens the door. He looks at me and chuckles. "Very nice, doll. Now get ready, we have a mission." he says, brushing past me. I go to my room and open my drawer to get my pocket knife, but instead i find a box with a rose on it. I pull it out and find black handled knives with red roses in the center. I smile and put the knives in a knife strap in my boots. I walk downstairs and into the living room. All the henchmen turn to look at me. They just sit there staring at me for a moment, then Joker walks in, picks out a few henchmen, and tells us to go to the van. I walk up to the passenger side door, only to see Harley sitting there. I groan and climb in the back with the rest of the guys. They're all staring at me like they want to devour me. I growl and make them smack their heads against the side of the van. They stop staring and look at their feet, except one guy sitting right next to me. He reaches over and puts his hand on my knee, smiling sickeningly. I reach into my boot and pull out one of ny knives, stabbing his hand. I hisses in pain and yanks his hand away. "You stupid bitch!" he growls. He tries to hit me but i block him. I glare at him, "I will hurt you!" i growl. Joker stops the van and we climb out. As i climb out the same guy who wouldn't leave me alone grabs my ass. I turn around and glare at him, then i hear, "Tsk, tsk, tsk." come from Joker. He grabs the guy and slits his throat. Everyone stops for a moment before Joker tells us to go. We walk into the GCPD building and Joker shoots the ceiling. Everybody turns to look at us and Joker starts laughing. "Helloooo everyone! We're here! Lets have some fun!" he shouts.

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