Chapter 26

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When I wake up, Jonathan is still lying next to me. I look up and see that he's asleep, a peaceful look on his face. I smile, he didn't leave me. You know, just because they're criminals, doesn't mean they're all bad, all the time. I sigh and roll over onto my back. Jonathan stirs, but doesn't wake. I lay there and think about what had happened in my life since meeting Joker. Robbed banks, crashed a party, got kidnapped, escaped, developed crushes...lost what little normality there was in my life. But I've also gained two- maybe three- people who care about me. I've realized that I wasn't ever supposed to be normal or live a normal life. So now, as I look over at the icy eyed, dark haired man next to me, I accept the fact that I'm supposed to be here. That maybe, just maybe, it was inevitable that I would end up right here, right now. My thoughts are interrupted by Jonathan groaning and stretching as he wakes up. "Hey.." I say, smiling at him. "Hello." he responds, sitting up. I sit up with him and place my feet on the floor, preparing to stand. As I begin to stand, Joker and Riddler burst into the room, glaring at Jonathan and I. I raise my eyebrow questioningly. "How come Jonathan got to sleep with you?!" Riddler hisses. I blush at the way he phrased his question. "Well, umm, he got to nap with me because, no offense, I trust him the most out of the three of you." I explain, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "How could you trust him more than me?" Riddler hisses in disbelief. "Well, maybe because he didn't kidnap me and try to kill me." Joker chuckles, finding this amusing in some way. "That was before I fell in love with you!" he shouts at me. I groan, "You don't love me. Jonathan might. Hell, Joker might even love me. But, there's no way you love me." I say. Nigma looks at me with sad eyes. "But I do love you. I started falling for you the second you made it to the door and pulled out those keys. And that smart mouth.." he says, trailing off. I frown, "How is it that all the hot people are crazy...?" I mutter under my breath. "I heard that." Jonathan breathes in my ear, causing me to blush. He chuckles at the blood rushing to my face. "I hate you all!" i groan, falling back on my bed. "Oh, no you don't, doll." Joker chuckles. "Yes I do!" I growl. "No, you don't. You love us." Jonathan says, causing me to blush even more. Edward smirks, "Even you, hating me the way you claim to, can't resist my charm." he says cockily. I snort, "Yea, you wish Riddler." This causes him to pout and fold his arms across his chest. I giggle and sit up, crossing my legs. As I do this, Jonathan bends down and kisses my cheek, earning a blush from me and glares from Nigma and Joker. I giggle at how ridiculous they act over me. Joker looks at me and smiles, really smiles. "What are you laughing at?" he asks, still smiling. I giggle again, "You guys act so ridiculous over me sometimes." Riddler stares at me and smirks, "I'm never ridiculous, merely-"
"Jealous?" I ask, cutting him off. He glares at me. "No, love." he sighs. I narrow my eyes. "You tried to kill me, for Christs sake!" He looks at me sadly, "That doesn't mean I can't love you..." he grumbles, looking at the ground. I sigh and stand up, walking over to Eddie and hug him. "If you want me to believe you 'love' me, you'll have to prove it." i whisper in his ear. "And how do i do that?" he asks. "I don't know. Do whatever you want, I guess." i respond, releasing him from my hug, earning a pout from him. I chuckle, "Okay guys, don't y'all have things to do?" i ask, trying to get some time alone. "You work for me, if i have something to, so do you." Joker says, causing me to sigh. "I just got home from being kidnapped, can't i have a break?" Joker looks at me then lets out an exasperated sigh, "Fine! You can have today off." I smile, "Thank you, Joker." i say kissing his cheek. He smiles and sticks his tongue out at the other two. They glare at him and i shake my head. "Alright. Out guys, I want to be alone for a little while." i say. Joker and Riddler leave immediately, but Jonathan lingers, looking at his shoes. "Jonny?" i ask, walking over to him. He sits on the bed. "Why are you so reluctant to love or let someone love you?" he asks, picking at a piece of string hanging off his shirt sleeve. He looks up at me and I look into his captivating blue eyes. "You can tell me. I won't judge you..." he whispers. I walk over to the bed and sit next to him. "So..? Why?" he asks again. I smile sadly, looking down. "I don't want to get hurt again." i say, twiddling my thumbs. "Again?" he asks, tilting his head slightly. "The last guy I was with, I dated for 8 months. He drank a lot. And one day, he came home drunk, thinking i was at work. I walked down stairs and he was with another girl, kissing her." i explain, gripping my hands together. "And then?" he pushes. "Then we got into a fight, i tried to leave, he followed. He stopped me, shoving me against a wall and tried to carve a smile on my face. Then Joker saved me." i say. He nods his head and hugs me. "I'm sorry." he says. "It's not your fault. It's all okay now. He's dead, Joker killed him." i say, chuckling. He nods and kisses my cheek. I can feel the blood rush to my face as he pulls away. He chuckles and gets up to leave. "See ya later, Jonny." i say as he walks away. "Bye.." he says, walking out of my room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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