Chapter 19

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I wake up the next morning to find my music turned off, and my phone fully charged. I don't remember plugging my phone in... "Emily? You awake?" asks a voice from outside my door. "Uh, yeah.." I mutter, sitting up. My door opens, revealing Tyler, one of the henchmen. Raven haired with piercing blue eyes. "" he says, handing me a picture frame. "I got it so you'd have something to put your uh picture in.." I take the picture frame from his hand and smile. "Thanks, Ty. I really appreciate it." I say, wrapping him in a hug. "You're uh, you're w-welcome." he stutters. i chuckle, releasing him from my hold. "I'm gonna get dressed now, you can uh, go." I say, turning toward my closet. I hear him mumble an 'okay', then the click of the door shutting. I lock my door and start undressing, I grab a towel and wall into the bathroom adjoining my room. I turn on the shower, making sure the temperature is okay, and climb in. A few minutes later I hear the doorknob jiggle. I peek my head out from behind the shiwer curtain, "Who is it?" I shout, no answer. I decide to ignore it. A few moments later, I hear laughing as the door is forced open. I gasp as I'm yanked out of the shower. "Hey baby!" someone whispers in my eat, before throwing me to the ground. I groan as my head makes contact with the floor. I try to get up, but I'm quickly pinned to the ground by the man who attacked me. "What do you think you're doin', darling?!" he growls, his breath reeking of alcohol. It's only 11:30! "GET OFF OF ME!" I shout, struggling to get free. "Shut up, bitch!" he growls, slamming my head into the floor, making it difficult to use my powers. I flail around, kicking and telling at the man. He just laughs at my attempts to break free. He uses one of his hands to hold my hands above my head, and the other to undo his belt. "LET. GO. OF. ME!" I shout, trying to free my hands from his grip. He growls and lifts his hand to hit me. Then we hear the metallic click of a gun. "What, exactly, do you think you're doing?!" Joker growls from the doorway. Suddenly, the man is yanked off of me and shoved to the ground. "B-boss I was just..." he stutters. " You were just what, huh? Messing around?" he growls, pointing the gun at the guys head. He looks over at me, "You uh, okay, Emily?" he asks. I nod my head. He looks back at the man, "Don't ever try something like that again!" he growls, shooting the guy in the knew. He cries out in pain. "And if you do try it again, you will be my Special Victim when I cut you're Unit off." he says, laughing insanely. Then he calls some henchmen to get him out of my room. When he leaves, I finish my shower quickly and get dressed. I jog downstairs and into the kitchen. I go to the refrigerator and grab eggs, cheese, tomatoes, onion, and bacon. I cut the onions, tomatoes, and bacon. I crack some eggs and our then in the pan, adding the onions, tomatoes, and bacon. When it's finished cooking, I put some on a plate and sit at the table. As I'm eating, Joker walks in with some guy. The man is tall and sort of lanky, with dark Brown, almost black hair and icy blue eyes. "Midnight, this is uh, Jonathan Crane. Crane, Midnight." Joker says, introducing us. I smile, "Nice to meet you." I say. He gives a small smile in return. "Midnight, is that your real name?" he asks. I shake my head, "No, it's Emily. Midnight Rose is just my criminal name." I say, looking at my feet. "Interesting. Why Midnight Rose?" he asks. I giggle, "My favorite colors are red and black." I explain. "And, I'm curious, what are your fears?" he asks. I chuckle. Scarecrow, the Master of Fear. Of course he would ask such a question. "Crane! You are not going to use her to test your toxin." Joker growls, glaring at Dr. Crane. I chuckle. "You're Scarecrow. One would be foolish to tell you such things." I say. He smirks, "Indeed, but that is only if I planned on exploiting that fear." he says, smirking. "How can I trust that you won't exploit my fears?" I ask, smirking right back. "You have my word, I won't exploit your fears." he says. I bite my lip, deep in thought. "So what are your fears?" he asks again. I look at my arms, Then back at him. "Not being good enough. Being left behind, being a disappointment, having the people I love and care about taken away from me. Watching them get killed and being unable to save them. Becoming nothing to the people who love me. Being unloved by the people who claimed they cared." i say, praying he wouldn't use them against me. His brow is furrowed as he looks at me. "You have suffered a great deal of psychological trauma. Tell, what was your childhood like?" he asks. I look at him, "So is this a therapy session, now?" I ask. He chuckled a little. "No no. I'm just curious. I would like to know. Maybe we could talk some more about some other time?" he says, looking at me with one eyebrow raised. I nod my head, "I think I'd like that." I say, smiling. He hands me his card and smiles back at me. Joker clears his throat, and we turn to look at him, my face turning red. "Now, if you two are finished, I introduced you to each other because Emily seems to be a very bright girl and Scarecrow here needs a little more help producing his toxin, and with his, uh, henchmen, it's a bit more difficult because they have an IQ equal to that of a rock's." Joker explains. I smile, looking back at Jonathan. "I'd be happy to help." I reply, honestly. "I enjoy science and you seem like a very interesting person." I say, smirking. He smirks at me, "How lovely. I must say, I can't wait to see you work. How about we start next Tuesday?" he asks. I smile, "Next Tuesday would be great." I say. "Until then, Emily." he says, shaking my hand and walking out. He is cute. Maybe I could get to know him better. As I sit back down to finish my food, I look over to see Joker staring at me with an unreadable expression. "You like him." he says, matter-of-factly. I blush, "Kind of. He's cute and intelligent." I say, smiling. Joker groans, "Just don't quit on me for him. If you do, I'll kill you and him." he growls, storming out of the room. Confused, I finish my food and go to my room, playing Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance as I write about Dr. Jonathan Crane. Smiling to myself like an idiot.

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