Chapter 5

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I walked around the house, thinking of what to do.

What if she dies

Or gets kidnapped

Or hurt

I was interupted from my thoughts when i herd a knock at the door, i opened it and Cameron was stood there.

Oh, I forgot I invited him over

"Hey" i said

"Sup" Cameron replied

"Wanna go Pennyboarding?" i said

"Sure, but i didnt bring my board" Cam said

"You can borrow Lucies" i said running upstairs, i grabbed my board out of my room and ran into Lucie, Jess's and Hayes room to see Jess and Hayes getting rid of all the plastic balls.

"Where does Lucie keep her pennyboard, i need to borrow it" i said

"Its in our closet" Jess said, i walked over to the closet and picked up Lucies Pennyboard, I walked out the room and back downstairs to Cam.

"Lets go" i said handing him Lucies Pennyboard.

i examined Aaron very closely before i walked any closer, he had a beard what made him look like gandelf of lord of the rings. He needed a hair cut and looked very skinny.

"Aaron?" I said walking closer.

"Lucie?" He said limping closer to me.

"Im so glad your alive" i said hugging Aaron really tight.

"Can you get me off this island? I have tried so many times and failed" Aaron said picking up his suitcase, it was the one what he had on the plane a few months ago,

"Okay, please can you get me a razor so i can shave my beard" Aaron said, i laughed

"Sure" i replied





We arrived back in California and i rented a hotel room that me and Aaron could stay in untill i worked up the courage to tell the others Aaron is still alive.

I walked into the hotel room and saw Aaron had shaved his Gandelf beard off, his hair was a mess.

"Lets go to the mall and get your hair cut, and buy you some less smelly clothes" i said spraying Aaron with body spray.

We got to the mall and i put on a pair of sun glasses, so did Aaron also he had a beanie on.

We walked into the hair salon and Aaron got his hair cut, i was sat around for a while so i turned my phone on; something I haven't done since i left.

I saw i had at least 5 messages of all the guys, I quickly flicked through them, there was alot of 'where are you' and 'come home' but when i clicked on Kians messages i read them slowly.

Kian: are you ok? 💕

Kian: please answer me, im worried 😓



Kian: sorry about those messages im really worried, please come home soon i miss you.

I put my phone in my pocket and saw Aaron had finished getting his hair cut.

"Lets g.... Lucie are you ok?" Aaron said.

"Sorta, Ill tell you later, lets go get you some clothes" i said, we walked outside the store and i saw a huge crowd surrounding someone.

Probably someone super famous

Wait thats Kian and Cameron

Forgetting You [ Trilogy to Bullied By Magcon]Where stories live. Discover now