Chapter 22

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Me and Trevor ran to Drakes house. I walked straight into the house and Drake was sat on his couch.

"Drake we need to talk to you" i said sitting down next to him

"do you know where Kian is?" Trevor asked

"Yea, hes in my caravan thats about 20 minutes away from here.

"Give us the adress" Trevor said, Drake wrote the adress down to his caravan on a peice of paper.



We arrived at the Caravan park and it was creepy as shit. I knocked on the caravan door. A few seconds later a girl answred the door. She had brown hair with brown eyes, she was wearing no makeup and reminded me of Kian.

"Have you seen a guy around here his names Kain Lawley and he has lots of tattoos on his arms" Trevor said

"Well, come in and ill show you" the girl said in a very manly voice. We walked into the caravan and sat down.

"So wheres Kian?" I asked

"Well, im Kian" they said taking off their wig, to my surprise it was Kian. I got up and gave him the biggest hug ever.

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Someone has stole that knife i used to self harm with, stabbed Dolly with it and they think it was me because it has my name on it" Kian said

"So, we just need to prove that it wasn't Kian" Trevor said

"I dont know if i did it or not i was at drakes house on the night, i was drunk and high as fuck" Kian said

"How can we find out who did it?" I replied

"We could check the security fottage of the apartment block that Dolly did live in and Drake now lives in" Trevor said

"Trevor your A genus, also Lucie how long till you go to your next magcon tour stop?" Kian asked

"A week I think" I replied

"Okay, lets go to Drakes flat" Trevor said

"You two need disguises" Kian said

"Why?" I asked

"So no one recognizes you, people will see you two with me and get suspicious" Kian said

"Okay, do you own a wig?" Trevor asked?" I laughed

This better be worth it

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