Chapter 30

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*earlier that day*

I was walking down the street on my own when i was dragged into a street corner by a chick, then I realized it was my ex.

"Hey sexy" she said lighting a cigarette and putting it into her mouth.

"Come on Vikki, i told you were over" i said

"I came to give you some antidepressants you left at my house" Vikki said handing me a

"Oh my god thanks, i thought i lost these" i said opening the lid and taking a few pills.

"Come on you can handle more than that" Nikki said emptying about 10 more antidepressant pills into my hand.

"If you dont take them ill make you" she said, i put them all into my mouth and instantly started to feel ill.

"I lied they weren't antidepressants, karma is a bitch Taylor" she said, my eyes started to get very heavy and i fell to the floor.

"Guys the drugs kicked in, hurry up and beat the crap out of this guy before he wakes up" i herd Viki say before i must of knocked out.

I woke up and saw a police car.

"Here's the guy who attacked me, i think hes high" i herd a voice say, i think it was Niki.

"Come on sir, your under arrest" the police officer said putting handcuffs on me.



I arrived at the police station with a handful of cash to bail Taylor out with, Quickly i walked over to the main desk and put the cash on it.

"I would like to bail Taylor Caniff out pleases" i said, the women started typing on her computer then a few seconds later looked back up at me.

"Thats 300$ please" she said, i made sure i had the right amount and handed it to her.

"Thank you, ill go get him now take a seat" she said, i walked over to this ratchet looking couch. I sat down and as soon as i did Taylor came out of a room with a police officer.

"Here Taylor is and here is a bag of everything he had on him when he was arrested" the police officer said handing me a plastic bag with Taylors phone, wallet and a pair of headphones in it.

"Come on Taylor" i said grabbing his hand and getting
Him out of the police station as soon as possible, i pulled him onto a street corner and let go of his hand.

"Whats going on!" I asked

"What do you mean nothing is going on" Taylor said

"you haven't spoke to me for like 2 years and then you decide to get me to pay your bail...?" I said but Taylor interupted me and then brought me into a really big hug.

"I'll explain everything just come with me" Taylor said

"Fine" i replied

This should be interesting

Forgetting You [ Trilogy to Bullied By Magcon]Where stories live. Discover now