Chapter 25

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We finished watching the security fottage and Kian looked terrified, he looked at his ancle to see the word 'dolly' carved into his leg.

"I knew Timothy wasn't my son, he looks nothing like me" Kian said

"So now what Samantha?" Trevor said in a very girly voice.

"Show the police?" I said

"Send it to the police i have an idea" Kian said





We got outside the o2l house and i peered through the window and saw the rest of o2l, Jess, Cameron, Taylor, Hayes and Drake in the lounge.

"Okay Trisha you called the cops right?" I asked Trevor

"Yes Nate you doubt me too much, there on their way" Trevor said in a girly voice

"Stay in character people" Kian said

"Samantha , can i ask you Somthing" i asked

"Sure" Kian replied

"Why is your phone password still the date we broke up"  I asked

"It was the worst day of my life,
I never stopped loving you" Kian said, just then the cops got here. they burst the door open and i watched Taylor jump out of his skin in the window.

"Drake you are under arrest for the murder of Dolly I have proof so anything you say now will be taken into account at your court hearing" the police man said. I watched as Trevor burst through the door.

"Drake hunny you left your condoms at my house... What  is going on here?" 'Trisha' said (Trevor)

"Miss your partner has killed a women" the police man said.

"Oh hes not my partner, hes my side hoe. Nate is my bae" Trevor said, I walked into the room.

"Hey" i replied in a manly voice

"Did you bring your sister Nate?" Trevor said

"Yes Trisha, here's Samantha" Kian walked in the room as i said that. The police started to drag Drake out of the room.

"KIAN I KNOW THATS YOU LOOK AFTER MY SON" i herd Drake shout before the door got shut.

"Kian is that you?" Jc said

"Yes" Kian said taking his wig off.

"Trevor your acting is on point" i said as me and Trevor took our wigs off at the same time. Jc ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug ever.

"What is this proof anyway?" Ricky said.

"Lucie get me my laptop out of your backpack" Kian said, i handed him his laptop and he plugged it into the tv. It
Started playing.

"Gather round children" Kian said. When the security fottage ended everyone looked at Kian.

"I feel sorry for you Kian" Sam said

"Why?" Kian asked

"Everything you had was ruined by those two shit heads" Sam said

"Im use to it" Kian said

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