Chapter 29

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We arrived outside of my house and didn't realize until now that Chris had been staring at me for the full drive, i tured my head and looked him in the eyes.


You could get lost in his eyes

I snapped out of my thoughts when i realized that my shoe lace was undone.

"Wow your beautiful" I herd Chris mumble, he started coughing and tried to hide what he just said but i herd it.

"do you want my number and maby we can hangout sometime" Chris said

"Sure" i replied smiling, i handed him my phone and a few minutes later he gave it back to me.

"Bye and thanks for driving me home" i said getting out the car and shutting the door. I watched as Chris drove away and i decided to wave because i felt friendly and weird.

Okay now i have the urge to play tennis or somthing

I walked back into the house and herd alot of laughing.

"IM HOME" i shouted, i herd footsteps come towards me and saw a very happy Anthony.

"Hey girl you missed all the fun" he said grabbing my hand and dragging me into the kitchen where im guesing everyone was.

I looked around and saw that someone had cooked mac and cheese.

"Damn that mac and cheese smells good" i said, Jenn laughed.

"Andrew can cook" Jenn said

"Cool" i replied sitting down, Just then my phone vibrated so i got it out of my pocket and saw i had a text off Chris.

Chris⚾️: Hey Luc when are we gonna hang out?

Lucie🦄: damn is Luc the best nickname you could come up with? 😂 also tommorow at Starbucks maby??

Chris⚾️: I googled it okay!!! Also thats sounds great, ill meet you there at 1Pm if thats ok with you :)

Lucie🦄: 1Pm is good for me, see you there :)

I was about to turn my phone off but then i got a call from the cops.

"Guys ill be back soon, i need to go do something" i said walking out.

"Bring me a latte back" i herd Lauren shout, i laughed and answered the call.

Lucie: Hello?

Cops: Hello is this miss caniff, your son has been taking caught fighting and he has been sentenced to 48 hours in prison unless you come and get him by bailing him out.

Lucie: Yes this is miss Caniff, ill be there to pick up my son in 5 minutes.

I ended the call and thought to my self

Why does he need my help now, We haven't spoke for almost 2 years

Forgetting You [ Trilogy to Bullied By Magcon]Where stories live. Discover now