Chapter 28

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I arrived at Jess and Sams apartment and knocked on the door.

"What!" I herd a voice shout.


"One second im naked" a voice shouted, guessing it was Sam. A few minutes later he opened the door.

"Were you actually naked?" I asked

"No, I needed a piss" Sam said, i laughed

"So wheres Jess?" I asked

"she went to see Jen" Sam said

"SAM HURRY UP" a voice shouted

"Do you want to come in, i have left over tacos if your hungry" Sam said

"Sure" I replied, i walked inside to see Sam, that Alex guy from target, Kian, Jc, Weekly Chris and his brother Crawford.

"Hey Lucie" Kian said standing up and giving me a hug.

"Hey" i replied smiling, he pulled away from the hug.

"Lucie theres a taco in that bag and Alex i just watched you spill that on the floor dont try to deny it" Sam said, i laughed

"Thanks" I said getting a taco.

"Hey guys i gotta get going, my phone literally just blew up with messages off my mom, she wants me to help her move house" Chris said standing up.

"Why did she text you and not me?" Crawford asked

"Well im obviously the favourite" Chris said, i took a bite out of my taco.

"Hey Lucie do you want a lift back to your house?" Chris asked

"Sure" i replied smiling.

"Bye everyone, also Sam thanks for the taco" i said

"Bye" Chris said, We walked out of Sams apartment and Chris looked really confused.

"What up?" I asked him

"My cars gone, i thought i drove it here" Chris said, i laughed.

"Maby it's invisible" i said, Chris smirked at me.

"Definitely invisible" He said.

"So what now" i asked, Chris looked around then let out a sigh of relief.

"Its over there, the invisibleness must of worn off" Chris said

"Because 'invisibleness' is a word" i said doing air quotes at the word "invisibleness', We walked over to Chris's car and both got into it.

"So, where do you live?" Chris asked

"That did not sound creepy at all but i live at [insert adress here 😂] " i said, Chris started his car and we drove away.

Forgetting You [ Trilogy to Bullied By Magcon]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora