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fuck me. I sit up in my bed and realize I'm late for my 10am Jerry springer.

I run into the living room and see Ronald And Lexi watching it.

"WOOp that fat bitches ass!!" Lexi screams at the TV.

"Ah Shit babes calm down fuckin whore!!!" Ronald screams at Lexi.

"I CANT CALM Im preGnant!!!" Lexi screams. I gasp. Everyone in the house heard cuz the sprint into the room. "Ah shit y'all I'm 8 month prego" Lexi say like its nothing.

"Yea how y'all not notice she's fuckin huge" Ronald points out we all agree and everyone goes back into their room but I stay out with Lexi and Ronald.

"What u having?" I ask. Lexi smiles.


"Oh fuck nigga go get ur fuckin own house nigga!!" I scream.

"Alyssa Batten and Shalissa Cameltoe" I cry when Ronald says this.

Alyssa is back. Alyssa is a fucking man!!!!!! Shalissa is a girl. Fuck!!

"HeATHer!!!!!" I scream. Heather runs her prego ass out. "Alyssa fucking batten is the baby. well 1 of the babies out of 2!"

"OH HELL NaH wtf Deek!!!" Heather screams and punches Lexi'a stomach. Lexi starts having a baby.

after the 2 babies come out of Lexi's birth canal all the family sits around Lexi and Ronald and the 2 new babies.

"1....2...3!!!" Heather screams. She takes Alyssa Batten and her no tits and chucks her down the stairs and falls with an elbow down the stairs and kills Alyssa Batten. "Die fuckin whore!!" I hear Heather scream.

"anyways...." Lexi says as Heather comes up the stairs and sits back in the circle.

"Whore." I say toward the dead baby downstairs.

"Did u just like kill my baby doe?" Ronald says slowly. Heather turns purple and red and steam comes out her poop hole.

"YEs betch WHAt THe hell u GONnNA fucking Dodododododo all u do is eat EmILYS PUSSY AnD FICK LExi And SoMetimes FlIck aunt Janes vagina!!!!!!" Heather whispers.

"WHY THe FUck u whispering now whore u always got something to say!" Crysantha screams. Ah shit.

"FUCK off MUMbai INDian person!!!!" Heather whispers back.

"TUNA FISh NigGa fucking smell like tuna mig!!!" Crysantha stands up and hits Heeather with her huge ass belly. Lexi rocks her baby Shalissa Cameltoe.

"Ladies, Ladies..." I say awkwardly standing up pushing the pregnant women so far that they pause in that anime type thing. They fall to the ground and they all have babies.

Heathers baby iz named Jasmine Favorite. She white but got big tight curls.;)

Crysantha decided she didn't want a baby so she stuck it up Zayns ass and he gave birth to it and now he's the mom and Crysantha is the daddy. But she decided she wanted motherly love with her child so she stuck the baby back up her pussy and pushed the baby out so now Crysantha is the mother and Zine is the daddy.

They named their baby Fern. Fuckin Fern.

What kind of name is Fern.

if ur name is Fern I'm so sorry

I suddenly pass out and wake up and nobody noticed I just almost
died cuz I'm boring and nothing happens to me ever:(

Heather holds her baby Jasmine and Crysantha holds Fern and Lexi holds Shalissa. Our family has grown so much sense we started at 11am today(:

I hold my nieces and almost instantly hate Fern. me and jasmine got into a fight and she pored water all over my head and shit while I was sleeping so I fuckin threw hands and was done with her shit.

I wanna be pregnant:( But just who should I end up with:) Not ducking Dead naughty boi that dead cunt. luv y'all bye

I Hate Zayn Malik jkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora