haunted house

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After searching for a couple of years we finally found a huge old mental house on the other side of the island. It took us a couple years cuz We thought I was pregnant with Heather but we figured out I was just getting fat

"Holy shot there's like 20 rooms here!" Trent says and him and James run off to pick their rooms.

there is electricity and non ending among of food here. and running water. and like McDonald's and stuff even tho nobody has ever been here besides us and mental people

rahj hands me a bag of cool ranch Doritos and I eat them and start yelling cunt and James tells cunt back at me from wherever he is.

I feel something breath on my neck and I shrug it off.

>Heather and me run off to find our rooms. we find a huge room we end up sharing cuz it has its own pool and some dildos

After we all settled in and had sex we went and explored outside. Me and heather held our phone flash light cuz we have full service and we can call 110 for help but they aren't answering

"Mate my fans r gunna wonder where I am!" Harry says behind us.

"it's been 2 years and ain't nobody has even sent a missing person out for any of us." James said to him like with attitude and shit. Trent says chill babe and James is like no u motherfucking cunt ass kicker

"who wants cool ranch Doritos?@rahj asks and we all laugh cuz I ate them all.

"I want cookies!" Crabz says.

"I want tampon torpanda!" Corpanga Elizabeth yells cuz we all want shit we can't have and shit and shit

"Hey I found something!!" Heather says and it turns to day light cuz we don't like holding our flashlights.

We all gather around a mini gravesite and there r olden tombstones

"Yato Japan.." Heather says reading the names of the dead ass people.

"Hey, this one says Hiyori Yukine.." I point out.

"1850-1861.." Corpanga points out.

"Wow they were young," Heather says as she walks around to the other ones. "Galileo Science man died at age 5.."

"This don't make since, you can't send a 5 year old to an  asylum," I say to the rest of them.

"It did say on the sign Child Care and Asylum." James says pointinf back to the house which was a pretty good distance away

"This is getting weird," Crabz says and Rahj picks her up cuz Crabz is the baby and she's scared

Fuck this bitch

Heather screams

wtf Heather why u scream

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