xmas ev

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We kicked Lexi and Jizzman out so it just me Crysantha Shalissa Fuckachoo Gertrude Harry effing styles and Heather. Lexi and Trent got married like wtf nigga thought u were gay?then we found out Lexi a man maybe???

"Ay nigga what for food?" Harry says in an accent and shit. I'm the cook of the mother loving house. He smacks Heathers ass and it jiggles and causes an earth quake.

"Evaquate migga!!" Heather says screaming as she throws her babies out the window and runs Olympic shat after them.

We all move to Antartica so we are the only people there, it's so fucking hot. We live on a beach house and we have a lot of alcohal. Even tho Gertrude Shalissa n Fuckachoo babies we let them drink and shit and they get ducked up.

"Awe gon meet some bitches." I don't remember if Gertude is a boy or a girl. I'm going with boi.

"We gun meet hot ass fuckin hot boys." The girls say

"Ain't no one live there." Heather screams as he makes me Crysantha and Harry Hardy some Frank drinks.

"We gun go to Chineseia for a bit thennn"  Shalissa moans as she flicks her Evan bean.

"Bye whore!" Crysantha screams at her daughter The kids finally effin leav us. Fuckin whore.

"Guys I'm horny," Harry says. Mostly to Heather.

"Babe you no I can't be fuckin. When u slapped my ass it rlly hurt daddy!;)" Heather says as she cuddles up to Harry's chest. We on the sand in beach chairs but Harry n Heather share a beach chair cuz they can't afford 2. They only got 500,000,000,000,000 in the bank.

Crysantha and me start making out and I glide my hand down the front of her bottoms. I feel she's wet and I smile. Her tongue asks for entrance in my mouth and I say no cuz I'm buzzzy and shit.

I Hate Zayn Malik jkWhere stories live. Discover now