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I sit in the hospitals waiting room, sitting with Jasmine, Crysantha and Shalissa. Heather went into labor 2 hours ago, Harry took her to the hospital. Heather wanted Lexi in the room because Lexi is the mom of our squad.

Shalissa is asleep on me, her head on my shoulders. I rocked her back and forth until she passed out. Her burnt strawberry hair was in her face.

"How long till the babies pop out fuckin Jew!" Crysantha screams at the poor 89 year old lady in the wheel chair.

"She don't work here auntie," Jasmine says to Crysantha. Jasmine is playing with some toys the hospital leaves out for kids.

"Fuckin whore," Crysantha says to the old lady and flips her, her wheelchair as well, out the hospital. The old lay is pronounced dead an hour later. "Whore deserved it." Is what she said when she ended a poor lady, whose husband had thyroid cancer. She had been staying every night at the hospital with her Husband.

Her husband died of a heart ache that night.

I felt angry for sum reason. "Why the hell are you so fuckin mean!?" I throw Shalissa into the wall and stand up. Crysantha stands up and looks down at me.

"I ain't hoe u ain't gotta mess with me I beat ya ass hoe!" Crysantha spits in my face and I whip (literally) her face and she starts bleeding.

"You know u just killed a mofo granny!" Jizzman says, out of silence. She doesn't really say it. I said it jigga.

A older, 40ish, women who's dressed in scrubs asks us to go into the room to see Fuckachoo and Gertrude

I go in first, carrying Jizzman at my hip. Heather is in bed, holding one baby. As Harry is in his bed with another. Harry was holding Gertude, blue blanket and Heather had Fuckachoo, pink blanket.

I walk over to Harry. "May I see him?" I ask oh so politely.

"No." I punch that little bitch Harry in the cunt and he finally hands over the precious baby. "He's so ugly." I say in a tone I would've said "He's so beautiful."

"I gobba fiya fo a hawt I naw ser of da dar," the baby boy sings softly. I nod my head jamming. I go full out 5 Finger Death Punch.

Kiss comes and performs and we all dress like them and shit.

We dress normal again and I hold Fuckachoo. "I wis I co wa up wit nesia an fosget abounds dupid lil tangs." The baby sings softly.

"Fuck you ugly ass fuckin noodle head," I punch the baby.

"Yo isecure dunno wha fo u turnin heads when u wal thro the da da daaa," She tries again and succeeds.


When we get back to the house we all are exhausted and head straight for bed. except I just sit on my phone until like 2 am watching YouTube.

I found a new way to put on eyeliner. Also I found out how to pee without getting you're tampon string wet! Suck cool stranges. I actually meant to type Such cool stadgeties. There it goes again. How the fuck you spell stradgity. Steadgity. Stradgity. There.Wait Nevermind.

how the fuck you spell that motherfucking whore ass cunt ass ugly ass noodle head cunt bubble fuckin bubble gum bitch word???

Bubble Gum by Bella Thorne should die!!!!!

Fuckin whore thinks she's cute makin that stupid ass Lifetime movie.

tbh I loved that movie.

Her fuckin books she wrote ew tf bitch bye.

I head to bed after that.

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