singal ladays

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"As of Zayns absent to the house, i think we should go house looking. It hurts to be here," Crysantha says at that nights dinner.

"I agree," Heather says. Heather and Crysantha are chill now. They best niggas now.

"Where at??" Yashwit screams from heaven.

"Probz back to India!" Heather screams out of her butt.

"Why not like Antarctica???" Lexi screams as she eats her chicken noodle soup ft blood in a cup. My blood. ;)

"I got to poop," I say, cuz tbh I really gotta poop right now. I'm actually holding in all my farts.

"Me to," Lexi says reading my thoughts. She all of the sudden burst and all her farts came out and it caused a huge earnsquake.

That made our house shake so much it exploded and we evacuated to India. in like 2 seconds

I throw my suitcase in my new room and it organized all my shiz. "Thanks." I say to my magical suitcase that Naughty boi gave me before Crysantha killed him af.

"Who's my roomie??" I yell because this house is slightly smaller than our one that got destroyed by Lexi's fart.

Yashwit comes back alive and he's my roommate. He don't have a bed so we we share one;)

"Come cuddle bae!" Yashwit says suddenly in my bed naked. ;)

"Okay bae!" I scream and lay into him. I smell like fish and he smells like garbage can food. It's sexy af.

After we made love to The Weeknd I got... pregooooo!!!!!!!

It's name.


poot Lovato.

I Hate Zayn Malik jkWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt