ronalds sexret love affair

64 3 14

we are one! minus Ronald cuz he dead af cuz Lexi found out Ronald a Thot and a whore and killed him with a banana *peel*

Me and Lexi r cuddlin n stuff in the bathtub when Ronald's ghost shows up to tell us news. "Me and Emily had a baby 4 months ago" he says so very beautiful. "She is 14 years old"

I'm in shock, what? How could this be? I don't remember a baby sllayding out of my birth canal!

"Her name is Chloe." He stats with a ghostly body image cuz he's a ghost and stuff

"How could this be I want alive 14 years ago I'm only 87 years old !!!!!!!!" I scream and then Ronald disappears and I cry cuz now I have 2 kids. Lexi stabs me in the titty and I cry more cuz my titty hurts.

After I wash Lexi's ass me and Heather gang up to go find the new baby. Chloe Baby.

"Where could this fetus be located??" Heather screams at Zaine who randomly appears in the moonlight even tho it's daylight.

"Maybe Russia!" Zayn scream zayn

"Iv never been to Russiab!!!!!" I scream sweating my boobs off.

"well shut the frick up!" Zayn says to me so I slap him cuz how dare he speak to me in such a way!

"Fuck me!" Heather screams. "I need some Ronald in me!"

"WELL HEs DeAd!!!" Lexi says from like 5 miles away cuz she's home and were like not home and stuff.

hello this is Lexi. the real Lexi I would like to say that I don't go for 80 year olds that's illegal af

anyways guys back to my tale

"Let's go take a trip to Russia!!" I say very excited to meet my new 14 year old fetus. I hold my stomach because I got to take a shat.

10 minutes later we arrive in Russian areas. We see chloe and take her back to New York.

We move her in and her and Zayn see each other and weeeee all no it be fate and stuff so now they together.  so chrysanthemum be all single af and Heather hates my child cuz she wanted Zayn.

So my child is dating fuckin Zaine ass Malik nigga!

plot twist i want a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who should Emily end up with?





Scrapz G Dawg?


Ariana Grande?

Dead af Yashwit?

dead af Ronald?

who should it be!

I Hate Zayn Malik jkWhere stories live. Discover now