im back bxtchs

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Fuckachoo and Gertrude were sound asleep Heather left me to watch them. I haven't talked to Heather in like two days cuz I deleted kik and shit but she don't know that and shit.

She left for her job at the mofo corner and everyone else is at some bar gettin fucked up.

The babies are sleeping so I decide to Call up Planned Parenthood and have an abortion cuz I was pregnant by some hot man from a while back.

I checked on the babies one more time before the baby killers came in. The basically shot my stomach and left me to die.

#fuckplannedparenthood #babykillers #gladtherewasashootingthere

At least I killed my baby, I am obviously going to hell now.

I ate some Cheerios with heathers cum and then spit it out. Something tastes fishy around here. Literally. I shake the jug of cum, what is this.

Heathers cum tastes like French vanilla coffee creamer, not fish juice. I open the cap and smell it and throw up back into the bottle.

"What the fuck?" I say to myself. I read the caption in the bottle and it says Heathers cum. Did Heather change her diet to fish only?

I trade Heathers cum with Crysanthas and it tastes the same.

"What the fuck is going on??" I scream I just want good ass cum.

Finally I masterbate & after I cum I drink my cum. Fish. I'm crying inside. Screaming inside.

I hear screaming coming from outside so I walk my ass out there. I open the door and see Miss Columbia and Miss Philsjsnsbdbs fighting for their crown.

"It's okay ladies your all ugly!" Steve Harvey screams, popping both bitches in the ass. He takes the crown and runs off.

"Gay boi!" Columbia yells at him. Then miss Filipinos shoots Columbia and eats Combias pussy and then runs off.

I close the door and walk back to the jug of Crysanthas cum and Heather cum. I get out Lexi's cum. I taste it and it still smells like cum.

"Maybe it's their time of month?" I question. I throw out all the cum and go to the store, leaving the baby, and go to the cum dealership.

A ding at the door does shit when I open it. There's an old man behind the counter he looks so familiar.

"Hey.." I say trying to figure out who he is. I walk to the counter. "Do you have any cheap cum?" I ask the man. He smirks.

"Make it yourself, and it's free." He gives me a wink and shoves his dick in my mouth. I lick the tip and he already cums. I cup the cum with my hands and put it in my pocket.

"Thank you!" I say running out of the Cum Dealership. As soon as I walk out I realize who it is.

Y'all are probably wondering who.

I drive home and oh btw the man was Ronald

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