Chapter 2 - Four POV

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**Just so everyone knows, I do read all the reviews and I do take your ideas into consideration. Heads up, there is some texting in this chapter, and I wanted to let you lovies know that whenever there is texting, the person in Bold Italics is going to be the person this POV is on. So in this case, Four would be in Bold Italics. And plain Italics is going to be the other. Tootles!**

**P.S. I don't think I'm going to dip into Four's POV regularly, and if I do his chapters could be relatively short, however this one is not. Apologies in advance.

Also, as I've stated previously, this story is to be considered PG-13. This means that there will be occasional swearing, and hints at more M topics, but will not divulge into them often. Thanks!**

Wednesday, September 17th

"Wakey wakey Four!"

I could punch him. I really could, but I probably shouldn't since he's letting me live here until my new apartment is ready.

"Come on dude. You're gonna be late for your meeting." This wakes me up. I can't be late today! It's my first day as a TA in Humanities. Shadowing my favorite professor of all time, Amar Atwell. I don't yet know which class of his I'm shadowing, but I have to report to his office Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 8am either way.

The cheap alarm clock reads 7:30 in bright green lights. Zeke is right, I'm going to be late. Good thing I showered last night and already have everything packed. I throw on a pair of dark jeans since Amar likes to keep things semi casual, and a dark blue button up shirt. I grab my black jacket, shoes, shoulder bag, keys and am out the door in my car by 7:45.

It's a short drive from Zeke's house to campus. And the only reason I'm not living on campus is because I'm a graduate student.

The Humanities building is in the middle of campus, and Amar's office is on the top floor. I stumble into the office at 8:04, but it's empty. Amar's brief case and coat are at his desk and his computer is turned on, but he's not here. Maybe he went for coffee and won't notice I got here late.

"You're late Four." Amar says in a humorous tone behind me. I turn quickly and see Amar smirking with a coffee in one hand. Then he looks at the clock and laughed. "I'll be damned. Four minutes again. That's actually kind of impressive." Amar is the only professor I know on campus who has dreadlocks. But for him, it works.

"I'm sorry I'm late Amar."

"Don't sweat it kid." He sits in his chair. "I'm not that strict if you haven't already noticed. However, it is really fun to watch new kids squirm thinking I'm really strict. Gotta put on your instructor face." I nod and watch him begin to type on his computer. "You can sit you know." He gestures to the small desk in the corner of the room.

"So which class will I be helping with?"

"English 344. Advanced Shakespeare. It'll be mostly English majors or somewhere in that department taking the class." He smiles at nothing. "If I remember correctly, that's the first class I had with you." I smile with him. I thought Amar was terrifying when I first met him, but also quite fascinating. "The class is at 3pm. You're dismissed to go about your day. Normally we'll meet here in the morning to go over the lesson plan for the day, but since it's the first day we'll just be going over the syllabus which you already have."

"Yes sir."

"Hey Four, come on." His face cringes. "Do I look like a sir to you?"

I chuckle. "Old habit. Sorry."

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