Chapter 28 - Tris POV

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Wednesday, December 17th

Uriah has been blowing up my phone, mostly with ranting. He knows I won't respond until he calms down, so now he just texts me the thoughts running through his head. Marlene admitted to being a dancer after work on Friday collaboration-night. I think he had a feeling, but it was one of those feelings that you don't want to acknowledge because you know it could make you as easily as it could break you. Marlene confided in Lynn almost immediately after she and Uriah separated that night to go home. According to Lynn she had a slight melt down thinking Uriah would hate her, but he met with her the next day and agreed to everything.

And now, five days later, he's come in every day for the majority of our time at the Pit, sat himself at the bar and watched over her. He isn't here yet today, but he will be.

There is still no word yet from Four. I've stopped asking Zeke and Uriah. They both just give me a sympathetic, and slightly sad look. Shauna hasn't said anything either. And her eating habits have gotten worse. She's visibly put on weight, but her face is glowing. I can't believe she hasn't said anything yet. She knows we're not stupid, we can see what's happening. Even Uriah is looking at her differently. Zeke seems to be the only one still completely oblivious.

Myra is a bit chipper recently too. Shauna was the one to tell Myra about our plans to leave, over the weekend. Ever since the news, Myra has been happier, and acting much more like the Myra I knew in class than the one who started working at Dauntless. She's still a little skittish at Dauntless when it comes to dances, but she's improved. The money she brings in could be better, and with Eric's words of transferring still in my mind, there's a possibility she'll be transferred somewhere, less intense. Maybe Amity or Abnegation would be better for her. Then we'll have someone who fits the culture better, like Sapphire from Group B. Eric just likes to bring in new meat to Group A if he can't really decide where to put them – start them off at the most intense of clubs and groups and see where they land. A method of breaking them I suppose. It's happened a couple times before Myra; starting with Peter paying extra attention to her performance and how much she brings in, then she'll meet with Eric once or twice, and then she's gone.

Sapphire was actually at Dauntless last night while we were dancing. She never said what she was doing there, just that she was invited to "hang out" but never said by who. We could assume Eric, but Eric wasn't even there to confirm it.

The shots I've been receiving have stopped for the moment, for which I'm grateful. Though I'm not sure if I should be concerned more than anything. The physical effects actually wore off a bit, and some of the new bras Christina was so excited to buy me are now too big. I'm still not back down to my original size. My hips are still prominent, but I've noticed a little more flab around my gut – and it makes me happy. I've been extremely skinny my entire life, no matter what I ate. Working at Dauntless has put me in top shape, and yet, there's a new softness and squish to my belly. I woke up yesterday morning and really noticed it, and I couldn't help but smile. My mom always had a little extra around her gut – mostly from having my brother and me – and it always made her soft to snuggle with. I wrapped my arms around myself and sighed heavily, reveling in the new part of me.

The only thing really out of the ordinary today it seems, is Tori. She's here at the Pit speaking quietly with a man none of us recognize, she looks stressed, pained and frustrated. The man appears to be attempting to help her work through whatever it is that's bothering her, but comforting Tori can be like hugging a cactus. Based on the dynamic of his body movements though, it appears that he's helped her through a struggle before; he knows when to back down, when to push a little more, and when enough is enough.

Because Finals are over, and now public schools are out for Winter Break, the Pit isn't very busy. Christina is actually sitting in one of the booths with Shauna. Lynn is wiping down tables that haven't been sat at yet, Marlene in the back cleaning silverware, and Myra is running food out. Even Matthew looks bored, but he glances over at Lynn a couple times, longer than necessary.

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