Chapter 12 - Tris POV

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Sunday, November 23rd - Monday, November 24th

Christina pounces at me when I walk through the door. She bombards me with questions about my accident.

I begin to tell her about the strange feelings from last night, leaving out the drug bit, and how I was dizzy and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital. When she asks who brought me there, I pause. She picks up on the pause, and because she knows me so well, she hounds me. When I admit to her that it was Four, she freezes. Her eyes are wide, and her mouth hangs open. Then, slowly but surely, it turns into a psychopath worth grin.

"Christina." I give her a warning tone.

"Oh my God... Tris, do you realize what an opportunity the universe has kindly given you?"

"You're forgetting the part where my ass is owned by one of the shadiest guys in all of Chicago. If he found out I would be dead." I cough a bit more.

Christina ignores it, and she groans. "Come on Tris! Times are changing. Shauna and Zeke have been seeing each other for a few months now and they've never gotten caught."

"That we know of."

"Plus I've been seeing Will and no one has noticed. You're the only one who knows and that's because I told you. Tris, you're like the sneakiest of all of us. If anyone can get away with this, you can. I say go for it." Before I can answer she speaks again. "Oh and you have to meet Will! He's such a great guy, Tris I just want you to be happy!"

"What made you think I wasn't happy?"

She gives me the best glare she can manage while she's excited. "Besides Lynn, you're like the grumpiest of all of us. You need to loosen up. And who knows, I bet T.A. Four is good in bed."

"Christina!" My voice cracking at the end.

"And I expect details when it does happen."

"I can't believe I'm talking to you about this."

"Just saying." She says casually, then something catches her eye. "What's that?"

I follow her gaze and see Four's black jacket leaning against one of the chairs in the entry way. I feel heat buildup in my chest once more. "It's his jacket."

She snorts. "Well I can see that much. Why do you have it?"

My thumbs rotate around each other for a moment. I look down at the ground, not quite ashamed, but more scared of her reaction. "He may, or may not have walked me home."

"And you left this detail out why?"

"It didn't seem important at the time?"

"He likes you Tris. Oh my God! He's the one you were on the train with, wasn't he." It's a statement. Not a question. She doesn't need an answer because she knows she's right. Christina has always had killer confidence when it came to most aspects of life. Something I've envied about her, but has always gotten me into odd situations in the past. She claims that she makes my life more interesting.

"Tris if you don't do something about this I will." She threatens suddenly. The smirk on her face is menacing.

"Don't you dare." My voice has slowed down.

"It's gonna happen. Mark my words Tris. I'm calling it out right now. You and number boy will be together!" Then she jumps away laughing as she goes into the kitchen. I let out a small groan.

Everything is turned upside down now. It's not going at all how I had hoped. But maybe that's a good thing. Maybe it's time for something to change.

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