Chapter 14 - Tris POV

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Tuesday November 25th

I'm more tired than I should be and I know it. I got plenty of sleep last night, finished my homework, and felt fine this morning. But something is off. I can feel my lungs get heavy the slower I breathe. But I don't really need to worry about that right now seeing as I'm sprinting through the obstacle course George has set up for us today. Christina is right behind me. It's not a race, but if I can't continue, I step out of the way. We keep going through the course until all but one has dropped out.

Christina and I are always in the final five.

It's down to seven of us now. I reach the end of the course and catch my breath for just a moment, waiting for the person ahead of me to finish the first leg, and then I blast in. Halfway through this round, I see that three more have dropped. Christina, myself and the two fittest guys in the class are the only ones still going.

"Five more minutes. Anyone still going will be required to stop and we will have a tie breaker." George calls out looking at the giant clock on the wall incased by metal.

I want to finish strong. Always finish.

My lungs are heaving, and Christina drops out. She looks like she's about ready to pass out. One of the other girls runs to get her some water.

"We gonna have us a tie breaker!" One of the guys yells to the other. I try not to focus on my lungs, and rather on this first guy's carrot red hair.

"Hey, if girly can take it, I'm all for it!" The second yells back. I ignore them and keep going. Keep pushing. Keep breathing. I'm going to be sore tomorrow and tired tonight but I don't care.

"Time!" George yells out. I'm the first girl in ten years to go the whole time through the course without extra resting periods. It earns me a cheer in the crowd. But if I stop moving, I'm going to collapse.

"What's the tie breaker?" One of the guys asks, sounding like he's nowhere near out of breath.

George looks over the three of us and smiles. Then he nods over to the far corner of the gym. A fireman's pole is the only thing there.

Christina, color now coming back to her face, slaps a hand over mouth to keep from laughing. He's not going to ask us to pole dance. I glare at her. She seems to understand and shrugs still inwardly giggling. At least, I hope they don't.

"Each of you get a turn." He nods to the three of us. The two guys are elbowing each other like it'll be easy. Unfortunately for them, they don't know that I hold onto, and climb these things for a living. It's an unfair advantage, but right now, I just want to win.

Everyone in the class walks with us over to our tie-breaker destination. Those who have caught their breath now are joking about who will win. The guys clearly seem to be in a more stable physical state than myself upon first glance. I don't blame them for thinking they'll win. It'll be so much better to see their faces when I beat them.

"I'll time all three of you. You have to make it to the top and back down in order for the time to count. Or you could forfeit." George says.

The guys brush him off, still in a joking mood. The pole is about four inches in diameter, and possible three stories high. I have to control my smirk. This will be easy.

"Ladies first." The second guy offers to me. I shrug.

Standing at the base of the pole looking up does make it look a little intimidating, but I can do it.

"I'll start timing as soon as your feet leave the ground, and stop as soon as they touch the ground after you reach the top."

I nod. "I'm ready." I crouch down slightly, then, without warning, launch myself up the pole. One hand after the other, climbing higher and higher. It feels too easy. My arms don't protest until I'm almost to the top. My breathing is steady, rhythmic, as though I were just standing on the ground watching. I ring the bell at the top quickly, and am soon on my way back down. Sliding slightly, but not too fast. Don't want metal burns.

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