Chapter 6 - Tris POV

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Thursday, October 9th (Notice the time jump!)

Christina and I are both bent over panting at the end of our Phys. Ed class. We had to run three miles in 25 minutes or less. We do this every Thursday until every single person in the class can run three miles in 20 minutes or less. Working out and being in shape is what my life is all about right now, but running for no reason other than to beat a time is not my cup of tea. Christina beat me over the finish line by two seconds. Granted we are almost always the first females in the class to finish, we're still tired.

"That was more of a three mile sprint if you ask me." Christina says as we walk back to the locker room. Well, stumble back. It was the fastest three miles I'd run in a long time. I did track when I was younger, and could at one point run a 5 minute 35 second mile. Now, I'm lucky if I get under 7 minute consistently. Christina ran her three miles in 20 minutes and 16 seconds. Me 20 minutes 18 seconds.

"That's because you're timed. It's always more stressful that way, making it feel worse than it actually is." A male voice says from behind us. We both turn around and come face to face with a male version of Tori. Younger, but still older than us. Mocha skin with midnight hair, even their amber brown eyes are the same. Christina looks like she was about to smack a hand over her own mouth from saying anything, but she holds herself steady. "You guys were really good out there." He smiles at us. "I'm George."

Christina and I share a look, both knowing exactly who he is.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Christina, and this is my best friend Beatrice."

He shakes our hands politely. "Pleased to meet your acquaintance Christina and Beatrice." Then he smiles almost shyly. "Are you guys majoring in Phys. Ed or just taking the class to stay in shape?"

"We're minoring in it." Chris says.

"Excellent! Well I'll see you guys around. I'm the newly assigned T.A for this class since this is my major. Have a good day." Then he excuses himself and I swear he grimaces before going into the men's locker room.

"Well he was nice." Christina says as we begin to change.

Wait a minute. Robert said he had a roommate majoring in Phys. Ed. George. Oh. "I think that was Robert's new roommate."

"Really? I would totally go into saying how cute he is, but seeing as he's Tori's brother that might get a little inappropriate."

"Robert thinks he's gay."

Christina laughs lightly. "I can see that. Oh well, whatever makes him happy."

We go back to the locker room and begin to strip for a short shower.

"Ready for tonight?" Christina calls to me from the shower stall next door.

"Oh totally." I call back in a slightly sarcastic tone.

I hear her laughing. Eric said there was going to be something new tonight, so we had to be to Dauntless early to hear about it. To be perfectly honest, I'm a little nervous. Whenever Eric has something planned, it's generally for his benefit, not ours.

We finish changing back into our clothes, which is mostly just sweats or old jeans because this is our only class Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have two hours before the diner opens at 4pm and then onto Dauntless tonight before 10pm. A shiver runs through me at the thought of seeing Edward again tonight. Doing anything he can to reserve me for private dances is really beginning to scare me, but there's nothing I can do about it. As long as he doesn't physically hurt me and keeps paying, Eric is more than happy to keep him coming in. He's been getting handsier and bolder when it comes to asking for me. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Max "pimps" us out. We don't do anything sexual really. That's more the Gutter style, as long as the girl doesn't get hurt. But I am concerned that if Edward keeps the money coming, Eric will give him more freedom with me. That is something I do not want.

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