Chapter 3 - Tris POV

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**Hello everyone! I don't think I've done a disclaimer yet – how silly of me – so here it is: I do not own any of the original characters or the main plot line from Divergent, that all belongs to the wonderfully talented Veronica Roth! Now that that's done, I would like to say a big thank you for the reviews! I did want to take a moment to address three in specific:

Any hoosers, welcome to Chapter 3 my darlings!

BTWz, if any of you lovely fellow writers are on NaNoWriMo, you should totally add me on it as a writing buddy and I will add you in return! Just PM me your username and I will return the favor!

Welp that's all for now!

Wednesday, September 17th

I wake up before my alarm goes off, about 10 minutes before actually. I sigh and get up anyway. Might as well.

The hot water in the shower is comforting, and it finally feels like I'm washing away the grime of last night at the club. I dry my hair quickly and let it fall in natural soft waves. My makeup is light and simple at best. I throw on a dark pair of jeans and a black tank top since it's still fairly warm outside, but add my old ripped gray crew neck as well.

Christina is still dead asleep when I leave the apartment, but that's okay. She only has one class today, and it's my last class, which doesn't start until 3.

The bus is ten minutes late, but that's not too surprising. It's filled with people from all over town. One girl catches my eye in particular. She's sitting towards the back, in a gray dress and darker gray over coat. Her light brown hair is pinned at the back of her neck in a perfect bun, and she holds her bag tightly to her body. But her stance instantly relaxes when she sees me.

"Beatrice, it's nice to see you." She says as I sit down next to her.

"Hello Susan. How was your summer?"

She smiles. "It was very pleasant. Robert found his own place and moved out. I miss him, but I still see him at school." Then she pauses and blushes furiously. "Have you heard anything new about Caleb?"

I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off.

"No wait. Forget I asked. That was extremely selfish of me. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, really it's okay to ask. He's still in New York. Still finding himself I suppose." She nods solemnly. We grew up as next door neighbors, and everyone could see how much Susan and Caleb cared about each other. We thought for sure they would end up together. But when our parents died, Caleb changed. He shut himself off into his studies. He had no time for anyone, and shut us all out. Then he got a full ride to New York and left as soon as he could, not looking back. Susan was heartbroken, but she knew he was happy and needed space so she let him go, just like that.

Robert, Susan's twin, and I were a different story. We were a month apart in age, but we were always friends. When we were young, we would tease Susan and Caleb whenever they were alone. But as soon as I got older, and the girls around me began to develop more than I did I tried not to notice how much Robert watched them. I grew up thinking Robert and I would eventually get married, and have kids of our own. But part of me never wanted to follow through with it. As soon as my parents died, that dream of Robert and I died too.

"Have you declared your major?" I ask Susan, changing the subject.

She nods happily. "Yes I have. Communication." Not surprising. She's always been good at talking. "It's a competitive major, but my professor says that I have a bright future in it. She even offered to help and be my advisor."

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