Chapter 34 - Multi POV

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**Happy New Year everyone! 2020... jeez this story has sure taken it's sweet time... anyway, this chapter is about half the size of the previous one. Sorry, it can't always be 24k word updates. Almost 14k words here. POVs jump back and forth. Hope you enjoy!


Tris POV - Wednesday, December 31st

My skin grows cold but I find I'm not disappointed, only confused. I can't let that show, the lights are still on me. Robert?!

Then I see him, making his way to the stage, the very same Robert Black I grew up down the street from. The one I figured I'd probably end up settling down with had I stayed put and grew in the image my parents desired. My childhood friend.

His face was a bright smile of victory and he shook Eric's hand. "I'd like to offer Mr. Black here, permanent VIP membership here at Dauntless for his generous bid." Robert nodded enthusiastically before Eric motioned for me to go with the winner. I looked Robert over feeling my walls go up even though Raven was having a hard time coming to the surface, and let a smile spread across my face. And why wouldn't I be happy? In Eric's deal, I'd just won myself 50% of those winnings.

Robert's hand reached for my own and he gently pulled me into the crowd. They parted for us quickly. I could feel many eyes on me and a couple of hands that grazed my exposed skin. I had to forcefully keep from shivering at the contact.

A bouncer pointed us down the hallway towards the private dance rooms. Some of the other patrons try to follow us, but are blocked in their path. The midnight countdown is minutes away.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask in Raven's voice.

Robert doesn't turn around to answer me, he just continues to pull me down the hallway. His grip on my hand remains gentle. He finally pulls me into one of the final private rooms, and finally turns around to face me.

"Robert how-" The sound of the door closing behind me makes me jolt. I turn quickly, and see Matthew and Lynn standing pressed against the wall, and the one who closed the door: Will. His face looks ashen but his expression remains firm. Christina is out there right now with a victor who will not let her out of his sight. Will failed. How could he have done that to her?!

I feel rage boiling inside me and am about to stalk over to Will, when Robert's hand catches my arm once more. "Tris, please."

"How could you?!" I shout at him, knowing full well these rooms are sound proof.

"It wasn't my fault." He begins.

"You had one job Will! And now Christina is out there with God knows who-"

"I KNOW." He growls at me. "I was stopped."

I channeled my rage as best I could and focused on the feeling of my feet on the ground. My body wanted to sway, and fall, the adrenaline from before depleting slowly. Already my arms feel numb. I consciously unlock my knees to keep the blood flow going, but my fists will not uncurl. "By who?"

"Eric." Lynn said for him.

Eric. Of course. It must have been after Uriah bought Marlene.

"His body guards would not let me near the clipboard to up the bid. Saying he let one male dancer slide in purchasing one of the girls but no more. I offered to pay upwards of 20k, give up my entire salary for the next year, but he wouldn't budge. Something about respecting the other clientele and giving them a fair chance." He scoffs, and his eye roll consumes his entire body.

"It doesn't make sense if you offered to pay that much." Matt said quietly. No doubt his own pay took a huge hit. I wonder if Eric even realized that the Matthew who bought Lynn was the same Matt who works at the Pit. Maybe he did, and maybe it was too late. Eric is smart, and Jeanine is smarter. Perhaps this was part of their counter plan? The thought makes a fresh cold sweat break out on my skin and travel down my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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