Chapter 7 - Tris POV

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Friday, October 31st

When Halloween rolls around everyone seems to be in the spirit. Not to mention it's on a Friday this year, and Halloween on Friday the 31st might as well be a Friday the 13th to a lot of people. Normally, people on campus just wear black, witch hats, capes, and masks. There have been a few people who decide to go all out in costume. They always make me smile.

I've always liked Halloween, ever since I was little. It was my favorite holiday for the longest time. But Thanksgiving quickly took over the spot of favorite holiday because the food was magnificent. Mom made the best turkey soup as leftovers and Dad's gravy was to die for.

All those cheesy Halloween movies never really scared me. I could almost always guess who the bad guy was under the mask, and it was really fun trying to guess who was going to die next. Caleb used to get so upset whenever I guessed the ending and turned out to be right. Mom just said I was very observant.

But another thing I loved about Halloween was dressing up and becoming someone I'm not. It was a way for me to express my inner Vampire/Witch/Gypsy/Princess/Pirate at the time. One time I went as batman. My dad thought it was a little weird and Caleb teased me about it, but my mind was set. My mom helped hem the cape for me and fixed my suit in place since it was meant for a boy. I loved having a secret identity. Now, I love it for a completely different reason.

Getting free candy was always a bonus. My dad would go with Caleb and me to different houses. Mom would stay home making caramel apples, baking pumpkin seeds and handing out candy to other children. She always dressed up as the same thing: a modest Marilyn Monroe.

I don't know what happened to the costume after she died. But I try not to think about it too much.

Christina also loves this holiday. She takes every opportunity she can to try out new looks and has an excuse to go shopping. That means I get dragged along with her. We hit up four different stores offering Halloween costumes and decorations. She bought herself a pair of bunny ears, tail and a leotard all in black. Then she grabbed a pair of $2 vampire fangs.

"Vampire bunny?" I asked her with a strange look.

"There's a first time for everything." She smiled right back.

"More like a sexy version of the killer bunny from that Monty Python movie." The pimple faced teenage boy said as he stocked the shelves with face paint and tights. Christina smacked him. I had to suppress a smirk.

I looked through the different costumes and was hoping for something a little more... well, less revealing. Since we wouldn't be dancing on Halloween, we would be at the diner all night. Max was more than okay with us dressing up. My first Halloween there I would have said he was more excited that we were dressing up than we were.

Christina held up multiple costumes for me to try on, but I turned them all down: Slutty Nun, Slutty Pumpkin, Slutty UPS girl, Slutty Alice in Wonderland, Slutty Firefighter.

Then I found it. The last one in my size and it was perfect. A Harry Potter costume. It completely satisfied my inner book nerd. It really looked just like a female school outfit. It came with a white button down under shirt, gray sweater, red and yellow striped tie for Gryffindor House, gray plaid skirt that came to my knees, and then black socks with an accent of red. There was an optional wand and glasses to buy, but no black robe. That's okay with me. I bought the costume with the wand.

Christina rolled her eyes at my choice, but was content that I had picked something with a skirt.

I didn't wear my costume to school, even though Christina said I should. I just wore a tasteful black long sleeved dress, denim jacket and purple scarf to hide my tattoo.

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