Chapter 11 - Tris POV

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Sunday, November 23rd

My head is pounding faster than the drums in my last routine. Cara's sendoff last night. I need to go to the store and buy some more advil for the headaches. Christina used the last of it last week when her arms hurt from a new dance we learned not that long ago.

Lights are still flashing behind my eyelids. But it's a different kind of light. It's a constant bright light, and my eyelids are what's causing the flickering. I don't like it.

My knees sting a bit, and it feels like I'm on my period honestly. It's like my uterus weighs a hundred pounds now. No cramping though, so I can't be on my period. Too soon anyway. Granted, it has never really been on a set schedule because it hates me.

Another thing that hurts, my boobs. It feels like I've been punched in each more than a few times. I can't help the groan that escapes me.

"Beatrice?" A voice asks. I don't know this voice. My shoulders tense immediately at the close proximity to the voice. Ready to defend myself if need be, though I don't think I'd be able to move as fast as I like.

"Can you hear me?" Another voice, a male voice, asks. More lights shine in my eyes, now that my eyelids are being pulled open. The male voice continues to talk but I don't focus on what he's saying, more the tone he's using. Is he a threat to me? But it doesn't sound threatening. It sounds soft and calm. I still don't like it. I feel vulnerable.

My vision takes a while to fully come back into focus. But when it does, I feel myself freeze. I'm in a hospital. That smell of linens and rubbing alcohol I thought I smelled did not betray me. A man in a white coat stands in front of me checking a clipboard, and a woman in maroon scrubs puts a stethoscope to my chest.

"Beatrice you need to breathe. Slow deep breaths please." The nurse says to me. My eyes flash over to hers. She's smiling lightly, trying to encourage me. She has long dark hair pinned up behind her, and soft brown eyes. Looking at her is rather comforting, but all the same... I'm in a hospital. This is not good. I can't be here. If Eric or Max found out I'm here I could be in deep trouble. If it was someone else's fault that brought me here, that would be a different story. But as far as I remember, it was my own fault for collapsing on the side of the building. I think.

I try to open my mouth to speak, but my voice is soft and cracked.

"What was that?" The nurse asks as she hands me a dixi cup half filled with water. I glance at her nametag, Nita.

I drink the water greedily. My breathing increasing, as well as my heart beat.

"Calm down Beatrice." She says in a sweet manner. "Your heart was under quite a lot of pressure. Don't strain it any more than you need."

"How long?" I croak out.

"I'm sorry...?" She looks at me with a sad expression. I don't need her pity.

I swallow thickly. "How long have I been here?" My voice is quiet, and the last bit trails off slightly, but she seems to understand.

"Less than a day." A huge weight is lifted from my chest. The doctor in the back of the room has stepped out momentarily from what I can tell. His hand is still on the door knob on the other side of the door. A phone is up to his ear, and he keeps glancing back at me through a little window in my room. There's a small frown upon his face and his eyes are full of concern.

"I need to leave." I say trying to sit up.

"Not until the doctor gets a look at you." She says as though scolding me.

I feel a small smile on my face. "I can take care of myself."

She looks like she's trying not to huff at me. "I don't doubt that. But the doctor needs to check you out before you can leave."

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