Chapter 10 - Tris POV

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Saturday, November 22nd

"Problem problem problem!" Christina yanks on my arm and pulls me off to the side of the building as we're leaving from a long day at the Pit and heading to Dauntless. Saturday dancing nights are my least favorite. Hoo-rah.

"What?" I ask, semi annoyed from the days events. I had unsuccessfully managed to avoid Professor Thompson yet again and was corned by him as I was waiting for Christina to come out of the locker room from our Physical Education class this last Thursday. He had gripped my wrists too tight, pressed up too close to me and whispered certain things in my ear that I would never want to hear again.

She looks around quickly before lowering her voice. "I think someone's in love." Then she mumbles something else.

I roll my eyes and glance over at Shauna getting into her car. "Anyone can see that." Zeke had stopped by again today, but only briefly, seeing as apparently there was somewhere he needed to be tonight. He seemed fidgety and a little nervous. More so than usual that is. Four was here too. I didn't look at him. I avoided him completely really. He only stayed by the front door while Zeke and Shauna talked. They're getting riskier. Even Gareth, who was our guard dog tonight, had risen from his seat and told Shauna to get back to work.

Christina shakes her head then. And points to herself. "Yeah but, Shauna's not the only one in love."

My thoughts flash to that guy I saw her with after Amar's class a week ago. "Chris...?"

Her head dives into her hands and her body wracks a sob. "I tried Tris I really did, but I couldn't, stop it from happening. I don't know what to do."

"Who is he?" I ask guiding her slowly to her car that we always take to the club. If Max is watching the security cameras around this area, I'll just tell him she had a really stressful day today.

"He's no one really. Just this guy that keeps popping up in my day to day life. He's in one of my classes, and now I'm seeing him on my day off and he's come into the Pit a few times." Her voice evens out a bit. I don't remember seeing her pay any extra attention to anyone recently. "He's even started to hold my hand whenever we're together. It was just one of those things that I knew. That bottom of your stomach gut feeling that never fails you." She sighs into my shoulder. "I'm in such deep shit."

I nod. "Yeah, only if Max finds out." Not bothering to tell her the most recent news about Prof Thompson. He's been sneakier recently. I wish he would screw up.

She looks at me oddly as we get into her car. "That's not exactly the same reaction you had when Shauna broke down about Zeke. Why the change of heart?"

I release a heavy breath. I know Christina would keep it a secret if she tried, but I don't know if I should tell her about Four. The guy from my class who won't stop looking at me like some hurt puppy. The one who has recently begun invading my dreams. I can't tell her that I've been having the same reaction as her and seeing him everywhere I go, even if it's not technically him. I see black jackets and short brown hair, deep blue eyes and a stern face. It's everywhere I go. Even from Dauntless last Friday. I made sure to stay backstage and out of sight the entire time. Yesterday I saw a guy come into the Pit with a spare upper lip and a full bottom lip that made my heart clench. Even though I told it not to.

"Maybe I'm starting to feel a little rebellious." I tell her.

She smiles a little. Then frowns. "It just sucks you know. When we were sixteen, it seemed so simple. No boys, just work."

"Keep in mind that was four years ago."

"Yeah. I always thought once our teenage years passed, those raging hormones would die down."

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