Chapter 19 - Tris POV

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**This original chapter was more Mature rated so I have muted the details and vocab a bit. Original chapter uploaded on my component story: Into the Night M Scenes

I prefer the M chapters personally,  but read what you like :) **

Monday, December 1st

As much as I was dreading it, dinner last night with Uriah wasn't that bad. He had a boyish charm to him, but he was certainly no boy. He was a man. Which is weird for me to say, or even to think about in my head. I've met a lot of men, some good, some bad, some in between. But to have a man that I've only recently met become a friend of mine with no interest in my profession or me in a sexual way is surprising. But it's a nice surprise. I could see myself relating to Uriah and being friends with him for a long time. As long as I'm able to look past the fact that he's a child at heart, a little inappropriate, and that he's Zeke's younger brother, who is best friends with Four.

How the Hell does Four keep finding ways into my life?

I still haven't responded to the email.

Plus I'm still curious as to what exactly happened last night that threw Zeke into a temper tantrum. Uriah looked completely calm as he went over to his brother, but we didn't stick around to see the end of it. I'm tempted to text Uriah later today and ask if everything is okay, and ask what it was about. But my better judgment kicks in, and I decide it doesn't concern me.

Christina was up really early this morning and making pancakes. She had this huge smile on her face. Her robe was slung off of one shoulder and she hummed to herself. Her bed head was what made the whole ensemble perfect.

"Thinking about Will?"

She hummed louder, and smiled wider.

"I'll take that as a yes." I smiled into my tea. It was nice to see Christina so happy. Even if a few months ago, I would have slapped her upside the head and called her crazy for even getting involved with a boy.

She slides her phone to me across the counter.

I look at the screen and see it's a message from an hour ago this morning. From Will, whose name is surrounded by hearts.

Good morning gorgeous ;)

Christina is swooning. Actually the way she moves about this kitchen reminds me of how Sleeping Beauty danced in the forest before Prince Philip cut in. It's graceful, and hard not to smile at. Partially because I know Christina is horrible at any kind of dancing except erotic and pole dancing. Also because she's normally a grump in the morning, so maybe I'm savoring the moment.

"Isn't he just amazing Tris?" She flips the pancakes.

I smile a little wider at her excited voice. "He seemed just fine to me Chris. Though I don't know if I can call him amazing."

She pouts a little.

Quickly rethinking what I just said, "I just mean that I've only just met him. He seems like a great guy though."

She smiles again. "You'll see just how wonderful he is. Now we just need to hook you and Stern-Faced-Four up and then we can really double date."

A nervous sweat breaks out on my palms. "There's no need to rush anything."

"Oh Tris, silly naïve virgin Tris." I blush, not entirely sure where she is going with this. "Just wait. He likes you. You like him. It's meant to be. I asked the universe and he told me so."

"Since when is the universe a he?"

"Since I say so. And don't change the subject." She leans over the counter, giving me a full view of her cleavage. I don't really care, I've seen her naked before and didn't bat an eye. This is just her muscle memory of an easy seduction technique. I wonder if she's used it on Will. Actually, no I don't want to think about that.

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