Chapter 20 - Tris POV

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Tuesday, December 2nd

Not many things earn you a trip to Max's office. Especially when you know that after going there, you'll still be in a job, and breathing. My second visit to the hospital in two weeks is what did it this time. Even though the first one technically wasn't my fault. How was I supposed to know how badly I'd react to their serum? Which by the way, was working perfectly according to Eric last I saw him.

His headquarters are still within the city limits, but closer to the Amity compound than any other faction perimeter. He takes up four of the higher floors in the Nakyma Building. Hiding under the business name of Caldwell Industries, a small banking business of sorts. Since he handles a lot of money, it would only make sense for him to be a banker, except Max is terrible with numbers.

Everyone involved, Shauna, Matthew, and Harrison submitted reports of my incident. I would normally submit one too since I was the victim of sorts, but Max has called me to his office instead.

Eric drives me. I would normally be at the Pit right now, and he would normally be getting ready for our dance tonight, but he said Peter's able to handle it. We're having a special theme in honor of me. Blood Night. Bruises, cuts, bumps, the whole thing on display. Everyone is getting sprayed on color to make them look like they just came out of a nasty fight. We've only had this night a few other times, generally no more than once a year. But when it does happen, word travels fast and it's much easier for the dancers to be manhandled without any customer getting in trouble. I don't like this night. I've gotten a black eye once fighting with a customer who was being grabby with Cara. Christina has come back with some scrapes after a private dance. And Shauna was actually cut with a knife once. There will be extra security tonight, but that doesn't make me feel any better.

I glance up at Eric once or twice. He's not that much older than me, actually I don't know if he's older than Tori or even Shauna. His mouth is set in a hard line as usual, and he grips the steering wheel like it's the only thing keeping him from strangling someone. He wears all black and has an extra stud piercing in his ear today.

Dancers have been beaten up and sent to the hospital before, but I think my two in this short of time has set a record.

They didn't even know about the first one until I mumbled something while under a relaxing drug of some kind. I remember seeing Nita, and instantly flashed back to when Four was flirting with her at the foot of my bed, and my mouth took off. The Doctor under Max's employment sought Nita out to confirm that I had been here recently before and she gave them my uncompleted chart.

Eric was furious when he first found out, but calmed down enough to drive me over.

We pull into the parking garage and head over to the elevator. They gave me a few pain meds so it doesn't hurt as much to walk. But after a full body examination, I had bruising between my legs. They asked me if I had been raped, but I told them no. They weren't satisfied with my answer so they did a rape kit anyway. It was humiliating. The nurse held my hand the whole time and told me it would be okay, as if she knew.

Christina was also furious with me for not responding to her texts and calls. I got home late last night after the examination, even though they encouraged me to stay in the hospital overnight. She was pissed, going off the wall and screamed at me for scaring her. Then she broke down crying that she was worried. After she got a look at the damages to my body she cried some more, and drew me a hot bath.

I didn't talk about it with her. No matter how much she prodded me and scolded me. No matter how hysterical and emotional she was. I didn't say anything to her. Harrison gave her a small briefing when he dropped me off. Even this morning I didn't talk to her. It's better if she doesn't know. Isn't it?

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