Chapter 9 - Four POV

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Friday, November 14th

I see her in the classroom, and see her in the diner moving effortlessly through the tables. I see her raise her hand or speak up to answer a question, and see her stepping in to the conversation between Shauna and Zeke. Why did she do that? Shauna could have answered for herself, but she seemed unsure before Tris stepped in. I see her interrupted or her idea – which is usually right – shot down by another classmate, and I see that guy from the diner grip her arm to hold her back. Reminding myself that they're supposed to discuss in class so I won't go over and tell the guy off. Holding myself back from intervening because I know she can handle her own. I see a flame in her blue-gray eyes that reminds me of sitting by a fire while watching a winter snow storm whirl around outside.

I feel drawn to this girl, but I know I shouldn't. I don't understand how I find myself incapable of taking my eyes off of her. How my heart beats fast just at the mention of her. She enters my dreams more and more. I used to never dream. Only nightmares. Her blonde hair that flows down her back, or bounces when she walks when it's in a ponytail. She wears hardly any makeup, and she's stunning. She's shy, and I want to know more.

The girl who spoke out about my name on the first day, Christina, has been hugging closer to Tris as the days press on. Slowly turning to weeks. I want to know why. I want to know why the fire in her eyes is slowly dying out. I want to know why she walks with her head down most days now, never meeting eye contact, especially with any of the guys. I want to know why she looks skittish but slowly relaxes whenever she walks into this class.

Amar looks a little worried too, when she walks in with a minute to spare before class. She hurries to her seat and continues to take deep breaths like she just had to fight for her life.

Only on occasion does she meet my eyes. I'm not sure I even feel bad or embarrassed when I'm caught staring at her anymore. I just want to know why she looks like a deer in headlights when she does look at me.

On the even rarer occasion that Christina catches her looking at me, she delivers a swift elbow to Tris's arm. Her face becomes a rosy red as she glares at Christina who gives her a smug smile in return. I have to keep myself from chuckling at those times.

I shouldn't be paying this much attention to her. But I can't help it.

Zeke on the other hand is having a very hard time shutting up about Shauna. Of course he makes sure to add in Lynn and their brother Hector who I just recently met, but most of the time its all about Shauna. I'm a little surprised to be honest, because Zeke has never really been a one girl kind of guy. There's something different with Shauna to him, and it makes him happy.

I'm happy for him, in the way a best friend should be happy. I'm also jealous. Zeke can be carefree sure, but he seems serious about this girl. I don't have near the guts he has when it comes to girls.

"Four you home?!" Zeke bangs on my door. I finally got all moved in and unpacked in my apartment. A ground floor thankfully.

I open the door for him. He's happy. Overly happy. A small box tucked under his arm.

"I have a riddle for you Four."

"Because I love riddles so much?" I ask sarcastically as I shut the door behind him.

He beams. "Yep!"

"Why are you so happy? Nothing good ever comes when you're this happy."

He smiles wider. "That's part of the riddle." He sets the box down on my small coffee table in the corner by the couch and turns back to me. "If you put lingerie, music, and alcohol together, what do you get?"

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