Chapter 31 - Tris POV

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**Some M related language/vocabulary and nudity (may or may not be what you're thinking ; D ) in this chapter, so there has been a component M chapter created. Don't worry kids, I'll let you know when there is smut ahead. This is the more muted version. Keep in mind though, a T rating means suitable for ages 13 and up, so there will be some naughty talk and descriptions. With the whole nudity thing, I'm going based off of American view points on nudity just to be safe. Nudity in my personal opinion shouldn't really be censored because it's just the human body, it's natural. But because this site is not run by me, nor will every one reading agree, I'm opting to put the nudity in the M rated sections. Not a huge difference in chapters this time, mostly just wording.

Based on my current outline, there is a predicted number of 45 chapters total. Meaning we're over halfway there! But that also means we only have 14 chapters left.... A lot can happen, and boy oh boy do I have plans *evil grin*

Important to point out that "Ancestry .com" does not exist in this universe haha

Notice the time jump by a few days.


Tris POV – Sunday, December 28th

My acceptance letter came in the mail yesterday. Sort of a late Christmas present I suppose. Lynn's came in the day before mine. We both let out a small sigh of relief. Knowing that we can have some sort of future set up in a different state, outside of Max's reach manages to bring some comfort in our thorny lives. Tori found us a home too. A halfway house of sorts, somewhere to set up, calm down and make more plans.

Washington State. It sounds so far away, foreign. Christina mentioned that she'd been there before, Seattle the coast. It rains a lot. It's cold.

What's even better is that both Max and Eric have warrants out for their arrest in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Hopefully going there doesn't put a target on our backs, but I know of at least a couple other states where they're wanted. If they come looking for us, maybe they'll even start out by looking at international options.

Everyone is ready to leave. Even the guys. Both Zeke and Tobias have put in their notices with their respective work places – Tobias at the University, Zeke at some garage. But there's no need for Matt, Uriah or Will to file notice, as they're running from Max and Eric too. Tori seems to have everything worked out with someone. And then there's Myra. We're all a bit worried about her. She says she has someone to buy her at the auction, but her voice shakes every time like she's not sure. I want to help her out, but Christina holds me back, saying right now, I need to think of myself more than others. I'm not convinced what she says is true.

Tobias and I discussed more details on Christmas day after an embarrassing morning.

I woke up, still completely wrapped in Tobias's arms, the heat of his blanket, the smell of his skin... and in that fog, I was somehow convinced I was still dreaming and decided to lean over and kiss him. His lips were slightly parted in sleep, but as soon as our lips clashed, he was wide awake. I had leaned my whole body over him, trapping his head between my hands, body pressed almost completely against his. Dream-me wasn't afraid to put some effort into it.

As soon tongue got involved, I pulled back realizing I wasn't actually asleep, this wasn't a dream and Tobias was kissing me. Unfortunately I pulled back so much that I knocked myself off the side of the bed and landed with a thud on the carpeted floor.

Tobias got off the bed to look over me, but the pain from the blush in my cheeks was worse than my back.

"I'm sorry," I said. Nervously looking anywhere but his face. Though I could see out of my peripheral vision that Tobias was smiling. He even offered me his hand to help me back up. Once I was standing in front of him, he forced me to look him in the eye before he told me that it's okay if I want to kiss him, he's not my teacher anymore. He was talking to me like a child, and hiding more laughter behind his voice. I smacked his arm, and the barrier broke. He lifted me back in bed, still laughing and told me to wait while he got some more pain meds. I protested, but he said I should take them for his sanity. I did.

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