Chapter 32 - Four POV

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**This here chapter is just over 10,600 words alone. I hope you enjoy it. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and exploring the more romantic side of Tobias/Four that has come out since meeting Tris.

All my holiday wishes to you readers**

Four POV – Monday, December 29th

The days after Christmas seem to go by so slowly. I haven't seen Tris in 53 hours, and I can't help but feel a little pathetic at knowing that fact. But, she did agree to a date with me tonight. Although as the time goes by, a nervous coil of energy builds in my gut. It's just a date. It's just a date. It's not like we haven't already slept together, but sleep as in just sleeping not, other things—oh God there's an image I won't be able to get out of my head any time soon. It'll be even worse when I actually see her. The thought of her, panting, scratching my back as she holds on...shit.

I'm sitting outside of The Pit, watching from the car as the staff move around inside. It's fairly quiet right now. Tris doesn't start working for another half hour. I've been trying to get up the nerve to walk in there and meet with Shauna but fuck, I can't move. And with every passing minute my window gets smaller and smaller. Coupled with the fact that I now have a semi to worry about. Thankfully it's not that noticeable. I hope. I glance at Tris's present on the passenger seat next to me. I hope she likes it.

Its windy today, but not freezing thankfully. Some of the snow on the ground has even begun to melt a little. Unfortunately that means that tomorrow we'll have icy roads.

I finally get out of my car, pulling my jacket a little tighter around me, and walk into The Pit. There are only a few customers seated for a late lunch in various booths. I catch Matt at the window and Shauna wiping down the counter.

She smiles wide when she sees me. At least she's in a good mood today, or for now. "Hey Four! What can I do for you?"

"Hey Shauna." I sit at the counter, and begin wiping my hands up and down my jeans.

"You okay?" She asks.

"What? Yeah, of course. I um...I just wanted to see if I could ask a favor of you."

"As long as it's not illegal, I'll see what I can do."

I let out a long breath. Why is this so hard? People do this all the time. "Okay, well I was hoping—"

"Hey babe—Four? Dude what are you doing here so early?" I turn around, cringing, just in time to see Zeke pull up at the seat next to me at the counter. "Tris doesn't work till 3."

"How do you know Tris's schedule?" Shauna asks him, eyes narrowed.

Zeke smirks. "I like to know things. I'm a pretty observant guy if you haven't noticed. You, for example, are a very pretty lady."

Shauna turns white, but Zeke still smiles. Is this his way of hinting that he knows about Shauna? Despite the fact that she hasn't told him? It's not like she's showing yet but come on! It's not that hard to figure out.

"So what'cha doing here?" Zeke turns back to me. I hear Shauna release a long breath, whether it was from relief or guilt I don't know.

"He was asking me for a favor." Shauna pulls out a glass from below the counter, fills it with water and passes it to Zeke, keeping her eyes down the whole time. Probably still trying to process whether or not Zeke knows.

Zeke's fist connects with my shoulder. "Ow! The hell was that for?"

"You can't just come in here asking some guy's girlfriend for favors, Four! Especially when that guy is your best friend. And extra-especially when you have your own girl to do favors for you."

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