Chapter 23 - Four POV

440 12 23

Tuesday, December 9th

"And Tris, just so you know, the rumors you hear about me, aren't true."

She turns a delicate shade of pink in the face and her voice becomes high like a baby bird. "What rumors?"

I give her my best smirk, even though it feels totally out of character. "Four inches. Not even close." My grin widens as I leave her behind the building looking like she just stepped into a sauna, face now red, lips parted, eyes wide and glazed, and her breathing was heavy. Not to mention it did not help me-trying to be a gentleman and not look at her chest-has she hit some kind of late female growth spurt? Either way, I couldn't not enjoy the sight, or the feel as I held her against me. Oh, she smelled like pine and rain with small hints of vanilla. Her heat beating down on me, encasing me and blurring my concentration. We fit perfectly together. The only issue now is our defensive nature; we both have our pasts locked up away from the world, and we're both incredibly stubborn. Yet I feel myself wanting to spill everything to her. As though she were the only person meant to hear it. With Zeke it even took some coaxing to get my life story out. But with Tris, it's easy. Simple. And also delicate and stiff, I need to be careful about what I ask or say, because she may in turn close up completely.

Suddenly the reality of the situation bares down on me. I just made a sexual joke in front of her. Who's to say that won't cause her to close up? What if I just ruined my chances before it even began?

"What's got your panties in a bunch?"

I flinch slightly at Zeke's voice, loud and on a sugar high. He's leaning against the outer brick wall of the Pit, some chocolate frosting still lingering on his upper lip, and what looks like vanilla as well.

"Nothing." I say, small amounts of worry leaving my voice. What if I just royally screwed up?

Zeke shrugs, but not before giving me a small smirk. "Nita left btws."

"Must you talk like a teenager?"

Rather than follow in the footsteps of his sugary brain, he becomes serious. "You're more worried about my speech patterns than the fact that your girlfriend left because you abandoned her?"

I can feel my shoulders stiffen as I brush him off walking in the direction of his car. "Why does everyone think she's my girlfriend? You, especially Zeke. You, should know better."

Zeke's thoughts visibly turn over in his head. "She seems to think you two are together. And I just figured since nothing has happened with you and Tris,"

It's not often I rub things in Zeke's face; when he's wrong, when he loses, I remain quiet. This is not one of those times. "I'm seeing her tonight."

"Say again?" His mouth is hanging open and his eyes dash back and forth between the Pit and me.

"I'm seeing her tonight." There's a smile on my face and I don't bother stopping it this time. For the first moment in a long time, I am genuinely happy with the way things are turning out, not to mention Zeke's face is pretty hilarious.

I feel like I should change clothes. Something nicer maybe? Well we're going to be outside so not that nice, but warm.

Three button up shirts lie out on the bed in front of me, and I feel like I'm going to start ripping my hair out at any point. It's just a date! And then it's not... Button up shirts are too formal, maybe reserved for a dinner of sorts. Same with the sweater vest, and I hardly ever even wear that. Pants are a struggle too; jeans or dressy jeans. Maybe I should just wear sweats.

My phone buzzes.

What's going on with you?

Nita. I really don't want to respond, but that's rude. And I don't have the fondest memories of what would happen to me when I was rude as a child. He taught me well, and then, he didn't.

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