Holocaust denial conspiracy

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Holocaust denial conspiracy

This has been in play for quite some time and it involves people denying the genocide of Jews during World War II. These people not only deny the genocide aspect they claim that the Holocaust is a hoax and is a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance Jewish interests worldwide. Actually, this denial is an antisemitic conspiracy theory. It's an egregious form of history revision, which is often employed by suppressive regimes to alter or sugarcoat pernicious historical events. In fact, the Nazi's hid any reference to the fact that they were systematically murdering Jews, and despite the evidence for the holocaust, people still tried to deny it.

There are loads of photos, some taken by the Nazi's, and videos of the actual murders, not to mention many pictures taken by the allies when they came upon these death camps. General Dwight D. Eisenhower said that there would be an attempt to call the Nazi crimes propaganda. This is from a commander that actually saw the camps and the brutality of the Nazi crimes against humanity.

He was right. These antisemitic people have an agenda to try and revise what is acceptable historic evidence that the Nazi's killed millions of Jews in concentration camps using guns, poison cyanide, and starvation. They tried to bury the bodies or burn them in an attempt to hide their crimes.

This wasn't the first attempt to exterminate an entire race of people, but it was one of the worst attempts in modern times. How anyone could think that what the Nazi's did was justified is crazy. The Jews had nothing to do with the war. Many of them were German citizens, and many of the men fought for Germany in World War I. The Holocaust was the result of some insane plot by Hitler to exterminate the Jews in what was euphemistically called 'The Final Solution'.

The reality is that Hitler's fascination with trying to exterminate Jews in Europe cost him the war. The German army wasted a lot of resources in trying to eliminate Jews. The cost was enormous and involved a lot of support forces. The fact that the Nazi's put a lot of effort in trying to cover up what they were doing suggests that they knew it would be considered a war crime. Many German Jew scientists either fled the country before the holocaust started or were killed in concentration camps. These scientists could have helped the Germans develop better weapons and defenses.

The Nuremberg trials after the war allowed the accused Nazi criminals to have proper defense. However, the evidence was so overwhelming that most of them were convicted. The pictures of piles of naked corpses and bulldozed pits with bodies were graphic enough to convince people that this holocaust was real.

The denial movement started with a 1961 book by David Hoggan, Der Erzwungene Kreig (the Forced War) that claims that Germany was a victim of an Ango-Polish conspiracy in 1939. This book downplayed Nazi antisemitic actions at that time. This theme was readily picked up and extended. Many began to question whether the holocaust actually happened. This was made more official by the formation of the Institute of Historical Review.
Quite frankly, I don't think this was the start of the denial movement. Jews have been the target of hate-groups for eons. I believe that it was inevitable that the holocaust would be denied, especially by hate-groups like the KKK. I don't think this issue will ever be resolved. People have a tendency to believe what's popular or what's convenient. It's what you would expect. I wrote this because it made me angry.

Thanks for reading.

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