What's up with Kubrick?

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What's up with Kubrick?

You probably know about Stanley Kubrick, the amazing screenwriter, director and producer that was responsible for several great Hollywood movies. As a matter of fact, some of his movies could be considered cinematography's greatest achievements. He was for all intents and purposes a genius. His movies are legend and include 2001: A Space Odyssey; Clockwork Orange; The Shinning; Lolita, and Dr. Strangelove. On the basis of these films alone he would be considered one of the greatest directors of all time.

Stanley Kubrick was born on July 26, 1928 and died on March 7, 1999. He grew up in the Bronx and it was his interest in literature and photography that drove him into film production. During his amazing career he collaborated with some major Hollywood actors, such as Kirk Douglas, when made the "Path's of Glory' movie in 1957 and Spartacus in 1960, both of which were spectacular in scope and in cinematography.

He also collaborated with Peter Sellers to make Lolita in 1962 and Dr. Strangelove in 1964. It should not have to be said that he was the most intelligent and most creative director of all time.

So what's the conspiracy? The conspiracy is that he produced the fake NASA Moon landing videos. The theory is that the U.S. government hired Kubrick to create the videos as a secret project. Much of this is based on the idea that Kubrick included some imagery in 'The Shinning', that indicated that he was a master of deceit and deception. For one, Kubrick changed the haunted room number in King's novel from 217 to 237. This is interpreted to be a clue because the Moon is 237,000 miles from Earth. The actual distance is 238,657 miles, but who's counting. The novel has one creepy kid, the movie has two as twins, a reference to NASA's Gemini project. Then, there's the scene where Jack has been typing 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, over and over. This is interpreted to mean that 'All' is a reference to Apollo 11.

This conspiracy theory is too far fetched to be taken seriously. Could he have done it? The answer is yes, but I seriously doubt that someone with the success and notoriety of Kubrick would ever do something that nefarious. Technical experts have debunked all of the evidence presented by the conspiracy theorists to prove their idea, and as far as I am concerned the entire theory is an affront to the brave astronauts that risked their lives to make it happen. If you want to watch a fantastic video of the moon landing of Apollo 11, which shows video from the LEM and has the radio communications from the astronauts and NASA all the way through the separation from the command module to the actual landing go to www.firstmenonthemoon.com. There is no way that could have been faked.

Thanks for reading.

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