UFO Landing Base

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UFO Landing Base

This conspiracy theory was hatched out of mysterious Google Earth structure images discovered in the Egyptian desert. The futuristic SciFi nature of the images suggests to UFO enthusiasts that it's a UFO landing base.

The triangular structure with semicircles surrounding it is 50 miles east of Cairo, which is the capital of Egypt. Italian researcher Matteo Lanneo, who thought that they were ancient structures built millions of years ago by some ancient people, first discovered the structures. That was impossible because the structures didn't show up on Google Earth until 2009.

The next theory was that it was some sort of secret military installation or an alien base. I don't think that these two theories are compatible. Supposedly, there is an entrance to an underground facility. One theory says that the Egyptian government has signed a treaty with an alien race to allow them a landing base on their territory.

They do look futuristic, but are they extraterrestrial? The answer is no! They are a structure associated with sand mines. The structures are ramps to drive up and tip sand into trucks for a highway construction project.
If you look carefully at the images you can see that these are recently created. It also is close to a main highway to Cairo. If you were going to create a secret landing base, this is the last place you would put it.

Basically, this is nothing more than a typical UFO theory. Everything that looks out of place on the surface of the Earth has to be the result of extraterrestrial activity. This particular structure doesn't look all that impressive. It could easily have been made by humans, and it doesn't look at all like a UFO landing base, I would envisage something more depressed into the ground, a large round area sunk down into the ground. I don't see any conspiracy here.

Thanks for reading.  

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