The JFK conspiracy, revisited

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The JFK conspiracy, revisited

I've posted this before, but I felt that it should be updated because of Trump's recent release of the papers concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy that were previously labeled as secret. These documents do reveal some interesting information about the investigation that was conducted by Warren Commission.

First of all, I want to reiterate my original thoughts.

First of all, I want to reiterate my original thoughts

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This is the most discussed incident in modern history. There are a whole bunch of conspiracy theories connected with the assignation of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. I remember hearing about it on the radio and I had trouble believing it actually happened. At the time it appeared that Lee Harvey Oswald shot the president, but the conspiracy theories about this event bloomed into a massive bundle of media madness, especially after Jack Ruby killed Oswald.

The top ten theories about JFK's assassination are in reverse order: Jimmy Hoffa got the Mafia to do it; Fidel Castro retaliated; Anti-Castro Cubans were angry at failed coup; Right-wing extremists hated Kennedy; Oswald was a Soviet agent; The Mil...

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The top ten theories about JFK's assassination are in reverse order: Jimmy Hoffa got the Mafia to do it; Fidel Castro retaliated; Anti-Castro Cubans were angry at failed coup; Right-wing extremists hated Kennedy; Oswald was a Soviet agent; The Military-Industrial Complex was afraid of cutbacks; LBJ orchestrated it; the CIA gave Oswald LSD; The Federal Reserve did it; and the best for last is that is was a part of the government's UFO cover-up.

I would add to this that there was supposedly an organization dedicated to murdering Oswald that appeared in these new documents. Was this the CIA?

 Was this the CIA?

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