Heart Attack Gun

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Heart Attack Gun

This is another conspiracy theory that turned out to be true. The CIA actually worked on a device to kill someone and make it look like a heart attack. Essentially, this would be an assassin's weapon. It would fire a tiny dart that would be undetectable and would deliver a poison that would induce a heart attack within seconds. Apparently, leaked documents revealed that the CIA had been using this weapon since 1975. Essentially, the CIA had developed a poison dart gun and they used it to assassinate enemy agents as well as people they considered a threat to the government.
Allegedly, the dart would feel like a mosquito bite and the dart would disintegrate after it did its nefarious deed, and the best part is that that poison is fast acting and gives all of the symptoms of heart attack. Once the victim is dead, the poison denatures and is undetectable in a autopsy.

This sounds like a James Bond type weapon.
The truth about this fantastic assassin weapon was revealed in testimony at a U.S. Senate hearing involving CIA rogue activities.
For some reason this was regurgitated in a Frank Church committee hearing that investigated the death of Andrew Breitbart, a media mogul who has taken down New York representative Anthony Weiner, USDA's head Shirley Sherrod, and the alleged seedy workings of ACORN (Association of Organizations for Reform Now). Brietbart collapsed on a Brentwood, California street and subsequently died of a heart attack. Brietbart's sudden death was alleged to be the work of a CIA assassin, but it was never proven.

The truth is that such a weapon could be made and used in the manner described. The technology isn't that advanced, and the chemical agents used to mimic a heart attack are well known. Most are neurotoxins related to venom from poisonous snakes. I'm not sure how these poisons would denature but they would require very tiny amounts to cause a heart attack.

Another way to induce a heart attack is with increased potassium levels in the blood, also know has hyperkalemia. This could be hidden in an autopsy because potassium is always in the blood. It makes your muscles work, including your heart muscles. If potassium is too low, your heart stops. Too much causes hyper muscular activity, which will result in heart arrhythmia.

I'm not trying to suggest ways to kill someone. I just wanted to illustrate that that a heart attack gun is not only possible but it has been used to assassinate people.

Thanks for reading.

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